This is heavy man. I’ve been struggling to come to a solid understanding of how any proposed changes will affect the ecosystem here. It’s such a complex system and humans are so wierd. It’s hard for me to just assume that 95percent of people will think completely selfishly and shortsightedly. I don’t know if that is actually the case but it sometimes seems that way.
For that reason it would be a shame to see this project end. But if your energy could be better spent elsewhere then you would know that better than I for sure.
Personnally I’m going to at least wait for SMT’s and communities and all that. See if that helps before I start looking for an exit. I’m sure that a change in crypto sentiments in general will help the volume here at least. But it has been seeming more and more wastelandy around this blockchain.
I wonder if there is an easy metric to look at if this change is made, to see the effect on bigger vs smaller accounts? If it were done responsibly the changes could be monitored and if indeed it has the effect you fear then it could be reversed...
It seems like if things could be changed easily then playing around with some parameters in the early stages might be a good way to dial it in. But i guess thats a lot of work.
It would be unfortunate to have to pack my shit and move, but I guess I will have learned a lot in the process...
You can look at my last three posts for a lot of this.