Before I even watch your video I want to explain my view on this event. I believe the purpose of the event is to get us all talking and posting videos about it so they can delete all our content and our channels. They want us gone...silenced! We are interfering in their tactics of mind control and propaganda.
Part of me says it is not a false flag because the media is not all over it like they were with vegas, florida, sandy hook, batman etc. It certainly doesnt meet the criteria for their gun grab. It actually promotes supporters of the second amendments theory on gun free zones being the most dangerous place to be.
The other part of me says it is possibly a false flag. The main question I have is why did she shoot herself in the chest? Anyone with a gun and thoughts of suicide will shoot themselves in the head..not the chest. Im sure the police shot her..probably more than once. What purpose does it serve to lie about her death? No one would have thought it unusual for the police to have killed her. Also the fact that no one but the shooter died is curious. It is a good thing the victims did not die..but still curious.
A note on the shooter herself. Yes she had weird videos but if you understand where she came from and home controlled and limited she would have explains her weird creative style. I really dont know how long she has been a resident of the states but I can attest to the fact that she had broken english means very grandparents came to america during ww2 and still have broken english.
As well many large channels have been putting out videos saying she was crazy and that no one as small as her would ever be a focus for youtubes tactics. I as well can attest to the fact that what they are spewing is completely false. She had about the same amount of subscribers as I do (around 1500) and my channel went from getting high views...some of my videos have over 100,000 views, now Im lucky to get 20 views on a video. They also owed her money. Even though it would not have been alot she still would have made something considering quite a few of her videos had 300,000 views. On one of my videos I had 120,000 views and made 157$ from that video. The size of the channel is irrelevant when it comes to what yt does. She is correct when she stated channel growth is based on whether yt likes you or not.
Thanks for the comment!
Well, that's funny because that is exactly what I was saying in my video lolz.
I tend to agree with this statement right now, but I am not sure. More research needed.
I took that into account, and I have been to the Middle East many times so I understand the culture fairly well.
I will address your entire last paragraph by just saying I agree. YouTube has been attacking my channels for well over a year, I only came to Steemit in August of 2016 because of the YouTube fuckery, excuse my French.
Just gave you a follow. Your work looks really interesting, let me know if you ever want to join my live show or do an interview. Cheers!