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RE: Improving the Steem platform for long-term content

in #theoretical8 years ago

If we had a magic "stop bots" button, we would use it on a lot of things. Every change we make impacts human and bot users, usually in different ways. As conditions change we have to continually re-evaluate how our decisions, both past and present, effect both groups of users. If a past decision we made to reduce bot actions is now adversely effecting human users we will re-evaluate the past decision and change it if need be.


I'm not about telling anyone what to do, merely pointing out that the writers who are moving in and setting up camp are calculating their move based on long term, even micro, monetization of content. That won't be possible,according to Dan's reply above. That's unfortunate, since the content doesn't disappear, leaving a free version of my work, easily accessible making it difficult to monetize in other platforms as well.