This is just a random theory I once had, not a scientific explanation. Do not flame and just read it and be sad at the end of the text because this is one of the saddest theories for afterlife. This all started one night while I was trying to sleep. The thought came just came to my head.
"How can one close his eyes and never open them again?"
This seems extremely weird to me since whenever I close my eyes to sleep I always wake up. When you sleep you don't feel the passage of time thus it feels like zero seconds and then you open your eyes. So even if you are asleep for eternity you wouldn't feel the passage of time so it would be ∞/0 which comes to a mathematical error. So what happens?
Then I remembered that once I slept, waking up the next day wasn't the only way to wake up. I would also wake up in dreams. Sometimes I would realize it and others I wouldn't. Whatever the case my consciousness would wake up. So what if that is what happens after death? What if your consciousness wakes up in a dream like state? Sounds fun right? Not really. I will explain why. Let me take this one step at a time.
Once you are in a dream even if at points you can control it, at first you don't know it is a dream. So you will be living in scenarios your consciousness makes until you figure it out. You will then be living different lives as each dream usually last for a very limited time. This is like reincarnation. Each time you die in your dream you will wake up in another since you can't wake up in real life. Thus you get reincarnated as another profile. One time you are a secret agent, another you are a lover and another you are just talking to a friend. This will at some point reach an end.
We are talking about eternity. At one point you WILL realize this is a dream. And what do we do when we realize we are in a dream? We have fun. You will do whatever you want. You will have whatever power you want. You will have sex with whomever you want. You will be the happiest you will ever be. That is paradise. Doing everything that makes you happy and succeeding at it. This will be the best feeling in the world.
We are still talking about eternity. You WILL remember that you died. Then thoughts will start to feel up your head. What you did in life. Especially what you did wrong. This creates a huge problem. In a dream if you think about something it happens. Even if you think "I don't want an elephant to appear", an elephant will appear. So every bad thing you did that passes your mind will appear there in front of you and happen again. This is what we call Hell. Reliving everything you regret can be traumatizing especially since it will be shown to you in the worst way possible. Because that is the way you will be thinking about it. Thankfully this will come to pass.
After an eternity of torture, you will become numb to this. You get to forgive yourself and come to terms with your past. So what do you do after this is done? Well you start to create. You create worlds in the image you think is just and right. You create worlds where everyone is happy, there is no evil, and there is no pain. This of course will become boring soon enough so you change your tactics. Then you create worlds to destroy. Worlds where evil is law and which you can freely smite anything at anytime. You will have some fun. But again, eternity. This will get boring. So what you do is create a world and just let it run. This explains why we don't see "God's involvement" in this world. Because we are at the point where he/she is bored and just created something and is now watching it progress. He might be on this world just living another life with his friends, while knowing everything is fake and that he is the one who created them. That is the completely sad part. Living for an eternity in a place where you are truly alone, whatever your actions might be. You are now a bored God in a boring world, doing nothing.
This is what our world might be. The consciousness of someone that has already died and is bored. And after someone else dies they create a new world. Thus there is an equal number of universes as everyone who has lived, and anyone in those people's dreams that have lived. This is an exponential equations thus this is close to infinity. We are all a bunch of consciousness existing in other consciousnesses. This is a sad theory and I am glad it is probably wrong, since we can't prove what a consciousness is. But there is a slight, close to none, chance to be true. And that scares me.
This is another theory by me, Tsinik. I hope you enjoyed it and that you will check out my other posts. I would really appreciate it. I believe I write interesting articles that might occupy some of your time and help your brains think. Thinking is nice. Until next time, have a good time.
- What is Time
- Time Travel (linear time)
- Cats and Pharaohs
- How to be Happy (this is an important article)