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RE: What if when we sleep...we jump?

in #theory6 years ago

This is really hard for me to read.
You are not incorrect, but you are soooo wrong.

I am no Scientist, I am no Scholar but just someone with an interesting theory, keep that in mind! :)

You are studying this phenomena, that makes you a scientist.

But, where you are soooo wrong, is that you believe in the science you were taught. Specifically cause and effect.

You probably even believe the conclusions you were told (never taught) about Schrodinger's Cat (mental) experiment.

You believe the notion that if you got up 5 minutes late, you would miss getting hit by the car, instead of ran over.

This is untrue.

You do not get into an accident... by accident.

You are instead, attracting an accident to you, and as long as you stay in that low vibrational energy, you will continue to attract accident until you and the accident meet up.

So, the cause of most "accidents" is often months in advance of it happening. Thus, if you want to change that outcome, you have to shift a little 3 months ago, or a WHOLE bunch 3 days ago.

Schroginger's Cat

As you have postulated, ALL the necessary universes continue from this experiment.

Say there was a male and female scientist actually performing it.

  1. The cat dies, the man consoles the women, they start a relationship.
  2. The cat lives, the women is relieved. No relationship.
  3. The cat dies, the woman lives with regret the rest of her life. The man avows never to do such a thing again.

You see, from the universe's perspective, there is no 50/50 there is just all the permutations that the beings performing the experiment wish to explore the future of. (and i didn't even bring the cat itself into the mix)

So, you have some good ideas, but you are going down the wrong paths because "modern science" has indoctrinated into you silly notions of cause and effect.