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RE: The Robots Are Coming - But Not Yet! AI Vs RI

I wish I had seen this a few days ago. I stumbled upon it after reading another old post of yours about Steemit being Centralized - something I have argued about since joining 10 months ago and doing research into whether or not Steemit. Inc qualifies as A Safe Harbor for DMCA takedown purposes, which leads me to my response to this great post! tip!

I am a professional stock photographer, and have spent a fortune over the years in education and equipment. There was a time when only a few could compete in the business because creative and technical skill was required in both the creating of the image and in the technicalities of how cameras and professional lighting worked!

Fast forward to today where everyone has a cellphone, and most images from cellphones are good enough for webpages and magazine use! With the advent of microstock agencies which offered images for licensing for a few cents in some cases, my income from traditional stock crashed.

Not content that image licenses can be purchased for only a few cents, it was a natural progression for some to think that my work should be theirs for free simply because I offer licensing of it via the Internet!

How have I adapted to the changes? Not only do I do some photographing with my iPhone now, but I also offer images for licensing through the microstock agencies. I fight copyright infringement for all artists (writers included) through my involvement with the Copyright Alliance as a member, because although for sure times have changed, no one has the right to deliberately rob another of income!