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RE: The Robots Are Coming! - 4 Steps To Futureproofing Yourself In Tomorrow's World

in #therobotsarecoming7 years ago

Great Post! It's crazy how little people think about if their job will be replaced by robots, or A.I., Or some robust algorithm, even when the topic is brought up. I guess they'd rather not acknowledge the possibility because, in their mind, that makes them safer, but really they just live in blind ignorance.

I've been an online musician since 2005, and had to learn multiple software to stay relevant and get done what needed to get done, without any budgets. Sometimes it's felt like I may have spread myself a bit too thin, and gets overwhelming at times, but when I look to the future, I see multiple paths of opportunity, instead of dead ends, so I'll take that any day over ignorance.

Colleges should add a career obsolescence 101 course to every incoming Freshman, or maybe even drop it down to a high school requirement. Or maybe a smart coder could take every major job in existence, and run a "when will robots automate this job" algorithm, even if it's just an estimation, I think it would be useful for the people who don't choose to live in willful ignorance. One of my family members is going into college next year to focus on becoming a Nurse and I've tried to hint at the potential for robots taking most of those jobs, and I'm just laughed at lol...So this post hits very close to home. Well done


You have a good attitude, and you need to keep that up! It's interesting what you say about universities, they too are going to have to change, i think they need to focus more on the 'learning for life' model, rather than get your degree and never see you again.

It's funny, I chose nursing because I wanted to do something less obvious, so I just thought about different fields. I thought about visiting my sister recently in hospital, and I saw the difference since I was last there.

It won't be long before all but the most essential nurses are left, and those will be doing tasks such as giving bed baths. However administering medicines and making initial triage diagnoses, will be left to the machines I'm afraid.

All you can do, is point out to your family member that the amount of duties a nurse has had to carry out in the last 20 years has dropped dramatically. I'd love to hear the actual figures, but I wouldn't be surprised if 50% of their duties have already been given over to the machines.

Thanks for your comments! :-)


Agreed! Learning for life is the only way to live. I can thank my mom for the first 6 yrs of homeschooling, and instilling a "go look it up" mentality.