The Inbox Runneth Over -- The Policy Papers -- Issue #1

in #thesteemengine7 years ago (edited)


Because I don't really want to conduct community business out on The STEEM Engine blog, I'll reprint the important bits of information TSE members need to note and remember here on The Inbox. Virtually nobody reads it anyway, so our stuff is pretty safe here.

Policy Papers will be designated with this cover so they'll be easy to find. I'll leave links in the Lounge Car. If you are a TSE member, please do a quick acknowledgment that you have read this in Comments.

People who don't show up after a day or two will be tagged to help them find it. People who routinely don't appear may become one of the ways I manage to reduce the list down below that 50 number I mentioned.

Woody Allen said: Eighty-five percent of success is just showing up. We're trying to hand out money here, folks. That's the least you can do. Drop by the Discord. Install GinaBot. Check your Mentions. Become part of the solution.

I believe this post tells you how to register for GinaBOT. Don't leave home without her.


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A new day dawns at The STEEM Engine.
I have some announcements to make.

First of all ---> Ethan told me last week that he needs to step away from Steemit and The STEEM Engine group for the foreseeable future in order to concentrate on a more intense schedule with his PhD work. This is a vital time for his future and as with all of us, he has only so many hours in the day.

That being the case, he has asked me to step up and take charge of the daily management of The STEEM Engine -- and also implement some changes, new projects and new ideas we've discussed from time to time.

With the price of Steem falling, those have been set on the back-burner for a while, and some may stay there until life on Steem becomes a little more stable -- but they are "in the works," so to speak.

Here are Ethan's exact words to me so you can read them for yourself.

As far as I'm concerned, I'll turn the reins over to you. I think your proposals are sensible, and I trust @Cw (The Gatekeeper)'s judgment when it comes to admission of members.

The fact is, I'm just not able to spend the time on here and Steemit that I was a year ago. My PhD research has picked up the pace, so I'm devoting much of my time to that now instead, which is honestly what I should have been doing in the first place haha. Anyhow, I'll do my best to stay up on what's happening, but feel free to move forward with changes without my expressed approval. If I don't like something, I'll be sure to let you all know.

I think you do a fantastic job of keeping things going even though the market is tough right now, @EnchantedSpirit (INFJ). Perhaps there will be a day when I return to Steemit and am able to give it more attention, but for now, I will just keep supporting everyone from the sidelines.

The most pressing matter at the moment is the TOTL project. Duro needs to devote time to his father's rehabilitation and recovery. Ethan has his academic studies to deal with. So Cw and I are looking into how to take over this project and possibly schedule two sessions a week so more members in different time zones can participate.

To that end, I would like a head count of people who are interested in participating in the TOTL project -- and some idea of what days and times would work well for you. I believe we need 4 - 6 member presenters per session for it to be viable. For the moment TOTL has been suspended -- at least for this week. Whether it comes alive again or not, depends on the response.

Please reply here or in DM to Cw. He doesn't do much and I've got all I can handle. Especially let us know where you are in the world and what day and time might work for you.


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Next announcement

You may have noticed what appears from time to time to be a mass exodus from The STEEM Engine. I am going through the membership list and clearing out the people who are not upvoting our daily post The Daily Whistle Stops consistently -- and by that I mean 7 days a week and "at a very respectable rate." (I have mentioned this in the recent past, and I'll have more to say about that very soon.)

I'm also clearing out the people who are not posting, not posting content we're interested in or who appear to have left Steemit. We need to know what we have to work with and who is really onboard with this effort. So ... that's what's happening there.

I have told the other leaders I am willing to go down to a solid core of reliable members who really want to see this project succeed and are willing to help it happen. I mean every syllable of that. I want the atmosphere of The STEEM Engine to become one of earnest mutual support for one another and genuine pride in being here. Half-hearted, on-again-off-again participation won't accomplish that.

I have seen the reality of what I want us to become in another group where I was recently accepted. I want to bring that attitude and that sense of unity back to The STEEM Engine. We had that in the beginning and for one reason or another it got away from us. Resurrection is at hand.


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Next announcement

The requirement of 2 comments / 2 upvotes on other member's posts is for the time being suspended. I'll have a lot more to say about this in the future. Meanwhile, I have a proposal for replacing that which I think will work better for everyone -- members and leaders alike. (I'm still ironing out all the details in my mind. You'll hear it as soon as I can get it written up.)

For now, you can place your posts in the post-promo channel as soon as you've published them ---> but be aware that there will soon be new "qualifications" in place. (Enjoy the freedom while it lasts.)

Also ... as post submissions are way down -- and the times they are a'changin' -- until further notice, you may place more than one quality post in post-promo for consideration a day if you like. (Do notice the designation of quality post. I have had it up-to-here with people all over Steemit basically phoning it in on their blogs now that the price of Steem is in the cellar.)

I want to encourage, not discourage, high-quality work on Steemit, and I have always chafed against the one-post-a-day limitation that is pretty universal on all servers. As in the past, if you have an alt-account, you can certainly submit posts from both-- or all. (Please make sure we know it's YOUR alt account.) Also, that alt account needs to be upvoting The Daily Whistle Stops ---> consistently and "at a respectable rate." (Again ... more on that coming soon.)


Would the members of TSE who have read these announcements please indicate so in Comments. I need a head count. TYVM. ---> Also would TSE members please follow @theinbox. That might help make things easier.




Good luck with all the changes, I will be happy to help with as much as I can. Especially the TOTL. TOTL was really fun and I would be happy to continue the work on it, I just need a backup or two for those situations when something comes up and I can not make it. It will not happen often but I like to have some backup :)

Well, I'd vote on your comment, but somebody just did you 34 times better than anything in my sack of tricks ... so ... screw that idea.

It is the thought that matters ;)

The following people have given some indication they've seen and read at least the preliminary announcements:
@dreemsteem ---> @derosnec ---> @eaglespirit ---> @bigtom13 ---> @natubat ---> @eonwarped ---> @sultnpapper ---> @daan ---> @slobberchops ---> @catweasel ---> @shai-hulud ---> @crosheille ---> @apanamamama ---> @enchantedspirit ---> @shadowspub ---> @snook ---> @beautifulbullies --->

yes ma’am!!!

got it .. times they are a changing

Yup! Also read and agree with this post ;)

me 5 flipped.jpg

FOR TSE: I love this picture. You look like you're watching the dessert cart go by.

Now you made me hungry and I just saw an easy recipe for cookies....darn YOU!

Read and digested!

are you full now? she wrote a lot.........'cept now I want cookies........

I have read it and acknowledge what is written I understand. It also worries me , I don't know if I can make a quality post. But I do vote consistently and I do post consistently, so can I get by on two out of three?

how can you even say that? Your posts are wonderful and all YOU!

Back when Ethan first invited me to join the "unmentionables" group I was invited to join because I always made good comments on posts, it had nothing to do with what I was writing. In fact, and you could ask him, I almost didn't join because I didn't want to embarrass the group with my daily dose.
When they split from that group I just came along with them, and was kind of "grandfathered" in over here. It is still a work in progress with me, but I do try to get better.Like I just replied to @enchantedspirit , my daily dose isn't what a lot of people would consider as "quality" and when change is in the air, you just never know. Thanks for the compliment.

but there IS nothing better than writing from your heart about what you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!

I think you over think how many people LOVE your posts and in turn you.

Have you ever had one speck of trouble being regularly featured here?

Have you been published only two out of seventeen tries? (I thought as much.)

Then I don't think you have a thing to worry about.

Okay , I feel better or at least a little safer now. My daily dose doesn't appeal to a lot of people and you just never know when change is in the air. Thanks.

Read and affirmed.

I have read and understand.

Please do not take my continued 'up voted and commented' on at least two posts as insubordination. It is in my opinion a great tool and I will continue using it until such time as a new system is in place. For the record, when I like something and start doing it inertia takes over.

I have taken it all in! Change can be very good :)

Thanks for all you’re doing~ ❤️

I read this post and look forward to additional information to be released. Following @theinbox.

done read it.

I would check out totl but our time zone is way out

Gotcha. ;) Steemin' along. Have a great rest of the weekend!

I have a proposal for replacing that which I think will work better for everyone -- members and leaders alike.

I'll be interested in what you have to say. From next week I'll be posting less due to work commitments. I have a post about this, I'l be sending out soon.

Read and understood! :)

Duly noted. I understand and appreciate the whys and wherefores, thanks @enchantedspirit.

Read, noted and understood.

Noted. All the best with the changes!

Late to the party, but read and understood!

Read and understood. 10-4. On to the next policy papers. ;)

Oh, and as for TOTL, I'll attend whenever I can. I'm on Pacific time. Daytime is generally best, but with my kids I never know what will work. Just do what I can.

It's good to see that things are going to be changed and I see a bright future for it :)

Read and agree. Looks like common sense to me!