Thank you for this explanation. I'll certainly look more into POCKET.
And thank you for supporting this project so much! Bringing people in to comment and donating your earnings, should you win, to promote Chapter 2. This is amazing!
And I hope you don't misunderstand my comments about your Mars suggestion. It's obvious that I'm only joking, right? And truth be told, it would be such a crazy development that it's totally worth it!
Wait you are a nuclear physicist for real? So any chance you can make this Mars thing happen in real life - maybe we can collide the perfect couple of particles? Get back to me
I really am! And the fact that I hadn't have any active engagement for some years now hasn't diminished my skill at all! I want you to know that! (Electron is a particle, right? Or is it just a cryptocurrency? Shit!)
Anyway, for the Mars thing you need an astrophysicist but I'll see what I can do about that perfect couple collision.