Thank you for understanding the inhuman conditions under which I have to work!
And really thank you for bringing this Curie vote! I believe this is a great boost for this project! Just what the doctor ordered!
I'm really glad you like it! I'm pretty psyched myself! It's a good idea, right? Collaborating on the plot of the story?! Who does that? Writing is basically a solitary work, but with Steemit everything changes!!
I just hope that people will comment on the story and offer their ideas! That way we can see all the possible outcomes, all the roads not taken. And, of course, the one we will take. This is the really exciting part! To see how the story turns out. Will it go smoothly or will something crazy happen? I mean the characters could end up on Mars or something! Ok, that's a little far fetched. I mean, who would suggest something like that, right? But you get my point!
So, let's wait and see. Hopefully it will attract some attention!
Best steeming regards!