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RE: The story in series: Chapter One

in #thestoryinseries7 years ago

Thank you for your kind words @jayna. I'm glad you liked it! I want to thank you especially for pointing this out:

Another really intriguing aspect of the story is that it's modern day, obviously (cell phones), but there's something off about it that as a reader I really want to learn about.

And thank you for your proposal! You make some very interesting suggestions and you've given me much food for thought! However, some of them span the length of many chapters and the thing is that the story is written on chapter to chapter basis. None of us can predict what will happen in Chapter 3, let alone further than that. Hopefully, though, there will be some continuity to the whole story!

But I like very much the questions you pose. And I would very much like to find out the answers to them myself! So, I'll keep them in mind as the story progresses.

Thank you again for your contribution!


You're welcome, and sorry for not following the rules very well. I got thinking about how I could help you shape the best story, and lost track of the fact that we were just supposed to come up with chapter 2. What can I say? Your story got me all riled up!

Hahaha! Well, thank you! And you can be sure that it happens to me all the time. Thinking way ahead in the story of the one or the other possible outcome.

But it's not about the "rules". It's just that we don't know what will happen in the next chapter and even more on the one after that! It could go in any possible direction, so these question might very well remain unanswered.

On the other hand, they might intrigue other users as well, and make them try to take the story in this direction. Who knows? But that's the beauty of it, right? 😀