The WillowJon Show, Episode #003, "Sound"

Funny story about episode #003 of, "The WillowJon Show." This weeks theme was, "Sound" and when I went to listen to the final edit, there was no sound and I was like, "Oh, shit! cause there was no sound and I didn't have time to render a new one before work and I was already late two days last week on the, #friday420 So after freaking out a bit, I realized my external Bose speaker was on and when I turned it off, there was glorious sound.
Thanks so much to Carole White for taking the time to talk with me along the boulder creek and to Kristian Hval for the inspiring and introspective look into the #metaphysical world of #sound and #soul. Thanks much to Nick Martin for the filming, snowboarding, and awesome friendship. I really appreciate the comments, shares, and likes as these weekly shows take about 20 hours of editing. Thanks again and keep on #sharing, #traveling, and #creating #TheWillowJonShow


Another fun and enjoyable video to watch! Your new show seems to be going pretty good so far! Nice job and I hope things continue to go well for you and your efforts. :D

Paul, Thanks brother! It's a lot to do a weekly show. About 15 to 20 hours of editing time pluse shooting and all that jazz, but I love it. It's so fun to give myself a weekly schedule and try to keep meeting it. It's pushing my creativity, skills, and keeping my passion for video and storytelling! The hardest part is starting the first one. After that it's just consistency and building those habits.

You're welcome. No problem. And yeah. I bet. I think it takes me around the same time to edit my smaller vlog type videos as well, would be hard to do it weekly on top of another job. So good for you for trying. I agree, the first is the hardest. You seem to be doing a pretty good job so far though and you'r passionate about it which is the most important thing. I hope your audience continues to grow and you can make some worthwhile money doing what you love in the future.

Nice job talking about sound and connection to life. mucho time on the edit though.

Thanks Mike! Like I replied to Paul, I do spend about 10-20 hours per video editing, but I really love the process and layering new sounds, and words, and images, and thinking about the flow of storytelling and blogging. It's super fun so It's not really work I guess. But I hope to make some money doing what I love! Yahoooooo!