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RE: Finding Your Way in the Land of Babel: Writing in a Second Language

in #thewritersblock7 years ago

Great guidance! It can definitely be a struggle for someone whose mother language is different from English to write and show that work to a native speaker or even someone who's also ESL but has a greater knowledge in the language. We know there are phrases that just don't sound good, we know there are words that we're misusing and still, the only way of improving is letting someone to guide us so we can apply that knowledge in our future work, right?

I should add, though, that if all the anxiety of using other language to write wasn't enough, while English has a somewhat easy grammatical construction (at least compared to other languages like German, French and Spanish) it lacks, in my opinion, a defined phonetic structure that often leads to confusions while trying to put some thoughts on paper...

Anyway, I'll take into account your wax on wax off advice in hope that one day writing in English feels almost as natural as writing in my mother language.

Excellent post!


With practice, it will. You got this.