Bright personalities often receive world recognition and fame, but they were often neglected for decades. This is the case with Sarah, whose remarkable devotion to become a web developer reached my heart. This is how 'For the Seek of Happiness' was born.
About 10 days ago I started a new initiative. This time you had to put yourself in the shoes of someone who's trying to overcome a major issues with his or her own life. Alternatively, you could tell a story of your own.
Instructions are: Write a story that involves a major issue you or your protagonist has overcome. If you have enough time, read or watch The Pursuit of Happyness. Reading a summary of the book or watching the trailer of the movie will also work.
To increase the impact of this post I recommend upvoting and resteeming. After all, even if you don’t take part in this writing prompt you’ll still contribute a lot. Again, our goal is putting a smile on a lady who’s struggling financially.
Also, please use #seekhappiness tag so me and you could always refer to this interesting mini project when we need to. It will also help me spot your submissions easier. Do not skip the comments section as the default place to place a link to your story too.
Current submissions:
Happiness my Enemy!! 😭😟 by @ashley4u

Blind Men Do Run (The Story Of How A Blind Man Won A Marathon)
by @iamthegray

Thank you both of you! Let's see if someone else will join you by the end of the deadline. I plan few more updates as we are already closer to the deadline.
This is a serious prompt and I’d like to be confident that everyone who’s willing to take part have enough time. You’ll have about two weeks and half until Saturday, March 31 to finish your story and possibly submit it in The Writer’s Block queue and get improvements.
Rewards: One Winner Will Get the Whole Reward which is:
- half of the SBD from the For the Seek of Happiness initiative posts
- all of the generated SteemPower
- half of my SteemPower delegated for two weeks
The other half of generated SBD will be collected to purchase a secondhand 4GB RAM laptop that will be handed to the lady who's studying web developing and can't afford one.
If by any chance this post lifts off, I will consult with @thewritersblock and donate the rest to another cause.
If you have any questions or suggestions you can always get back to me here or on Discord. Enjoy writing!

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This is a great initiative (: I study computer engineering and not having a good laptop is a great setback. I had to share one with my sister and father until recently and it was a nightmare because is a tool we need to use a lot. I hope you can help her get a new laptop :)
What a coincidence... I think we won't succeed to help the woman this time.
Well, sometimes a nightmare can teach you a lot and you can't get the same lesson in other way.