I was thinking too much today..
most of thought was useless more than 90% in my think.. zz
ex) go to the toilet or not? , what kind of food for dinner? , how to stop think.. etc. etc... hahah
even i was thinking how to kill the think ... heheh
what kind of way for stop thinks?
- imagine for stop think.. kk
- focus to current work or concentrate job what i want?
- watching TV
- listening music
- Immerse to beautiful scene(Picture, sunset, flower, beautiful scenery, art)
- Reading a book
- run until Exhausted ~ marathon
- Focus on breathing (in / out)
- Watch the think, why do it think?
- If it's an important idea, memo then forget about it and then see it next time.
- Cleaning
- meditation
- Etc.
if it think constantly ... better to think positive thought than negative think
how's your day with your own thought?
what's your opinion when do you think too much?
Have a beautiful weekend~
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