bazzarly agrarian

in #think6 years ago

begining note : it is a major sin to ascribe anything to the prophet muhammad (sallalahu alahi wa salam) without it being true. therefore, it is important to state that anything i personally write on his teachings explicitly come from the mind of a student and not a scholar. and due to the fallibility of a students knowledge, all information contained within this post may be fallible and untrue due to my lack of knowledge and experience of islam and its history.

arguably one of the greatest dynamic duos ever to have teamed-up are the farmer and trader..! why..? because the bounty of the farmer and the intelligence of the trader bring economic prosperity to both parties..! should one party attempt to complete both tasks neither the bounty which labor demands nor the intellect which market analysis requires would be as fruitful; due to the time constraints and physical energies which both avenues require. therefore, should one desire to be successful a clear starting point might be " find a partner who complements your strengths." and a great archetype to follow is that of "farmer" and "trader."
the prophet muhammad (sallalahu alahi wa salam) implemented this strategy after he migrated from mecca to medina. he (sallalalhu alaihi wa salam) discovered that this partnership amongst the "true believers" yielded success. this was especially advantageous for the believers who migrated to medina (muhajarin), being that they were immediately welcomed into an agrarian culture; and could rest assured of agricultural provisions. and just as advantageous to the residents of medina or "ansari" was the knowledge of islam already practiced by the muhajarin. because islamic knowledge naturally forges ties of community and economic prosperity, due to its emphasis on honesty, duty, and peaceful brotherhood. and coupled with the muhajarims experience as merchants in mecca the ansari couldn't have found better allies to assist them with a "foot-up" in the bazzar (marketplace).
so the next time someone might have the "newest, greatest, business model," remember the fundamental relationship which the prophet (sallalahu alahi wa salam) implemented amongst his followers after the hijra (migration to medina from mecca) : one farmer + one trader = sustainable success..!

note : i am not completely sure whether the prophet muhammad ( sallalahu alaihi wa salam) forged this alliance of one muhajarin with one ansari to specifically gain momentum economically. there were certainly other more important reasons such as the peaceful assimilation of the muhajarins into medina. and to form trust and unity amongst both parties.

sources : "muhammad: man and prophet," adil salahi : pgs, 226-240.