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RE: The Belief Arena

in #thinkdeep8 years ago

An idea and metaphor you should be proud is well thought out.

And don't worry...for every three swines that crawl out of the pen, there is a prize stallion making its way into the derby. Your pearls will always find recognition amongst the latter group, and be far better appreciated by them too.

And as someone who spends a great deal of time in the philosophical and debate arena, I completely understand what you mean. This inability to look past one's own beliefs, to question their innermost workings and be willing to tear them down and build them anew if they cannot sustain the weight of your claims and pride in holds us back as a species. Your 'structure analogy' sums up this concept, especially after you stretched it out and elaborated on what you were talking about further.

I've spent the last four years persistently working to break the mold and smash apart this inhibitive tendency, and open up people's minds however I can (ethically, of course). And it is something I will not stop doing until I reach my grave. As it happens, it has gotten me into a great deal of trouble with my friends' parents at times (being Indian, backward thinking is second nature to them and their kids). I say to follow rules you don't always understand and never question them because it is considered blasphemy or breaking of 'tradition', and then you instill those same values in the kids. Gandhi once said that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. How in the hell are making ourselves blind without that conflict? Where is your most human sense of curiosity? Where is that need to know 'why?' Empirically, people who have asked that question are the ones who have discovered the most about our world, or have paved the way for greater discoveries in those fields.

And yeah, 'whatever'...speaks volumes about what exactly that podcaster felt about your attempt to open her eyes. She still got them dark-ass blinds on XD.

And I actually showed up on the Discord channel about an hour ago...was trying to find the DeepThink application form. Stumbled upon it a few minutes after in another post, and filled out the form in the Google Survey thing. Hopefully I'm accepted. I've been trying to create thought provoking posts as much as possible, add value to the community, with the occasional let-loose one to let off some steam. Or 'steem' :P

Anyway, cheers, and great post! Keep it up!


Thanks again for your kind words.

It sounds to me like you'll be a shoe-in for deepthink.

Considering this struggle we rational gladiators face, I think you might get something out of Street Epistemology. It's inspirational to say the least. I have my post of it that I submitted for the Best of 6 comp plus you can just look up Anthony Magnabosco on youtube. It's an incredibly effective method that I have only deviated from to experiment with my own stylized alternative.

You are very welcome :)

And thanks :D

Would love to get in.

And I'll check out the post and the guy on Youtube when I get a free moment after this weekend. Good lookin' out man :P

Also, where should I look for a notification if my application is accepted? Since I submitted it a day or two ago, I'm not sure how long it might take before my application surfaces at the top amongst the others.