I wasn't really feeling good today and I was watching some HGTV a bit earlier. Took a nap and feeling a lot better now.
Anyways, They were doing a remodel and couldn't change the fence and only had 3 colors of paint on the outside they were allowed to choose from. Which looked like various shades of human feces.
Why do people in the right mind want to live in an area with a homeowner association? You already have city rules and taxes, why volunteer to pay strangers who couldn't get elected to real government and have even more rules? Idiots I'd say who would agree to live in these areas, but I guess in some states where they are all over you don't really have a choice.
Flip or Flop is one of my favorite house flipping shows, which is filmed out in California where it seems like many areas have these. I'm glad I live in the midwest where we have less BS like homeowner associations, actually almost moved to a area with a nice lake but after hearing about HOAs in the news, watching that show and reading horror stories I'm glad we didn't.
Some people get threaten to lose their homes because they didn't paint their mailbox recently, they painted their kids tree house the wrong color, or even they put up an American flag - in guess what country? America!
If it was up to me they'ed be banned and outlawed.
Image Credits: Licensed from Adobe Stock