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RE: Let's see what this blockchain can handle...

in #thisisgonnabefun6 years ago (edited)


Can you please check out my last post.. Bernie made a comment in reference to spam. I am confused if It's a good comment or bad..??
I trust your opinion .
I am probally over thinking the comment. It's the word "spam" that is troubling me alot..!!!!
Thank You.... @offgridlife


@annephilbrick .... Bernie Sanders set up some Robot as a Christmas 🎄 Joke to post this message on everyone’s posts ... I just said Thanks for the Upvote. It’s not the real Bernie Sanders .... I don’t think. Maybe it is.

Thank you @ offgridlife
Must be my lack of humor...
Just seeing the word " spam" is most troubling... not everyone that sees my blog may think it's a joke..
Thank you for replying.

Your blog is Awesome... loving your winter photography.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank You...!!!!

Happy Holidays...
(: @offgridlife