Hallo Sashy,
ich freue mich, einen Post von dir zu sehen!
How long was this trail run? I could not find any number in your spanish text. Or means 16K the distance? I can understand a little bit, because I have some italian knowledge.
Are you fine? It seems to be so.
What is going on in your former home land Venezuela?
Your @freiheit50
Hallo Freiheit, mir geht´s gut. Ja the distance was 16K I spent two and a half hour. My former home is so so, you know that the power has not friends, it is a business. How are you? I ve been with a lot of work of my thesis and really tired and stressed, it will pass. What about you? I hope all is fine, hugs
Thanks for asking. Yes, I'm fine. But the weather is really cold and rainy. So I'm waiting for warmth and sunshine soon. Then I will make some nice outdoor activities again, of course with posting my adventures here on steemit.