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Let me start by saying that I love the concept and illusive potential that Hive represents. It's a bit crazy, hard to learn, and pretty darn contradictory in certain places and communities. I find myself exasperated by the amount of self-patting-on-the-back posts that simply talk about how great it is without really going into why. A place to earn, a place to support the Xanadu-like possibility of community blockchain, a place to engage with like-minded people? I think it serves as these things, but needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

I've spent hours trying to figure out what I can offer to Hive, tried to create outlines of post after post that would fit into different communities. Usually, I just give it up. I'm not going to make posts about the gloriousness of the blockchain, when so many issues still need answering and I have no beneficial input into how that looks. I'm not going to go out of my way to enter writing contests that don't speak to my spark. And I'm not going to take part in communities that silence people based on keeping earnings from people they don't feel fit their mold. I personally stick to tags that hit completely open communities (neoxian, pal, archon) and tags that will bring in tokens that I can use to support or swap in order to support.

The idea of earning Hive and the many tokens is a bonus for me, but not for any financial benefit to myself. I actually quite enjoy the token market here, finding projects that I feel benefit more than themselves and swapping around to support those projects and the individuals that run them. I don't fool myself into believing that my investments here will ever come to financial benefit for me. I look at it as a place to play when I have time now.

I know you've been struggling with communities. I don't depend on my feed to find your posts, or on tags. I have a list of individuals that I know I want to support, for one reason or for many. I search your handle every few days to see if you've added any posts. I think as long as you continue adding to your own blog, the people that need to read what you have to say will find you. No, you won't get as much exposure as you would in communities, but you'll be found. I think we all overthink it. As long as you're not trying to maximize your earnings, it seems to me that you're already finding your place, much more successfully than I've managed to!
