My world has inched back on its axis.
Me: "The dishwasher poured water all over the floor while you were out."
Hubby: says nothing and falls asleep in his chair
Me: Looks at dishwasher this morning and gives it the evil eye
Hubby: Wanders into the kitchen, still sleeping. Opens the dishwasher door. Closes dishwasher door.
"The seal is bad on the dishwasher."
Me: "Can you fix that?"
Hubby: "Yeah, I just need to figure out what screws to take off." walks away with oatmeal in hand.
Me: OMG! Did I MISS not having to worry about fixing things!
Skips to the basement to do 5 loads of laundry that is not mine with a smile on my face
Joy comes about from how you, and only you, look at your life.
Marriage is a union of two people who want to have sex are deeply in love, and are committed to each other for life. Sometimes marriages work, and sometimes two people grow older and should part ways before they kill each other. I have done both. This does not make me an expert on marriage, but it does make the twenty-six years I have now been married mean a bit more than if I had only been married once.
I am not suggesting you get divorced to understand how hard it is to live with someone for twenty-six years. Nor am I suggesting the person that first used the term Wedded Bliss was being very sarcastic. Hmmm... Okay, that's a lie. Cough. Let's move on, shall we?
One of the byproducts of living with someone for years is you form a routine. You have somehow decided who is the fixer of things, the washer of things, the driver once it gets dark out, and so many more tiny details that your life is made up of. In most marriages, those jobs were not given in a family meeting, nor were you asked if you ever wanted that job for the rest of your life. Somehow along the way it just became your job to do.
Marriage doesn't come with a manual. There are no incentives to do a better job at washing dishes or changing the oil on the car. The jobs that come along with being married are jobs that would still be there even if you were not living out your days in wedded bliss. Yet, as married peeps, we tend to forget everything we do not have to worry about because part of being married is sharing the load of worry and work. To know you are not alone in the day-to-day grind of it all.
It becomes easy to look at your partner and complain about everything they haven't done. It is easy to forget all the jobs you would have to do on top of everything else you do each day if they were not there. To easy.
While caring for my mother for four months, I was reminded of the daily jobs I wasn't used to having to think about. Breaking up cardboard is one of those jobs. It's not a hard job. It's a job anyone can do, but in my married life, somehow, Hubby ended up with that job. When I threw empty cardboard boxes into the garage, they were still there the next day, waiting for me to break them up and shove them all into the recycle bin. How dare they! Didn't they know that breaking boxes were not in my job description?!? Sigh.
While away, I would run into little and big jobs I had to do for the house to run correctly. Each time I ran into a new job, I would thank my husband for doing those jobs when we talked that night.
Just because you do not see it doesn't mean the Earth is flat. Sometimes you need to take a step back, look to the horizon with your newfound knowledge, and make today the best day you can.
P.S. Don't forget to hug your Dishwasher today too! 😍

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.
All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

Marriage, Not just a job.. an f'in adventure. 🤣 Sometimes ya wanna...
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Yeahhhhhhhhhhh!! Been there :D
and your BACK!! I was going to yell at you later :D
Hope all is well in the land of Summer School....
runs away laughing before she gets hit
Hello lovely lady! Welcome back! I've missed you! 😊
Amen to everything you said in this post, it's so true.
My handsome husband and I celebrated our 31st anniversary last month and yes, there are days when it feels like he's taking me for granted or vice versa, but we both know it's not true. Sometimes, we just forget that not every job is big/noticeable, some are super subtle yet still valuable and we've learned to appreciate each other even more during the past couple of years. We are blessed. Amen! 😊
Sending you loads of hugs, love and positive vibes! 😊
God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊
Yeah, getting older helps where marriage is concerned :D I think all those talks you end up having started sticking in their heads :D
I hope this Summer finds you nice and cool and comfortable!!
Yeah, "I think all those talks you end up having started sticking in their heads", pretty much sums it up. LOL! 😊
So far it's been a nice cool summer, but it's still early, we don't usually feel like we'll melt to death until August. LOL! 😊
I hope its nice and cool there, nothing worse for women of a certain age, like myself, than a hot summer, we need cooler these days. 😊
God bless you and your wonderful family. Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! 😊
After 4 months in Florida, I have not been hot since I got back home. :D I am hoping ti stays that way. LOL
Wouldn't that be a nice treat for you, all that melting in Florida making you immune to hot flashes after you get home? Hmm...that would make a trip to Florida almost worthwhile, for me...I'll have to check back with you after you've been home for a bit to see if it stays that way for you before I decide anything though. LOL! 😊
Maybe that's what's wrong with my dishwasher!!!! Very nice post. I am procrastinating about setting the mouse traps, since in my previous life I didn't have that job! :D Glad you are home!
Moms dishwasher leaked because it wasn't level on the try that
and yes, he opened the door for 2 secs and said ours is the gasket so I am thinking he knew it was going but didn't want to deal with it until he had to.
I just had to call the bug guy.... yeah, I would find other things to do before setting mouse traps too.
26 years???
You guys are an inspiration.
How beautiful!
Yeah - it's easier to share the load. (pun intended!)
Now you make me want to think about maybe (possibly...possibly...) think about dating again.
Or I'll just read you and smile.
Like I told my Mom when she got asked out on her first date in 60 years...
Date all you want, just never ever get married again.
Copy that! I'll listen to some decent advice for a change...
Funny that the Earth is a flat circle, Why is it not a flat square or triangle Or if nature is anything to go by a hexagon.
2500 Years ago People knew the earth was flat, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Eratosthenes concluded the earth to be a sphere.
The simplest way to verify these conclusions is to loo at a lunar eclipse. No matter where on the planet the eclipse happens. There is a curved shadow on the moon at the shadow begins to cover and shade the moon.
Those flat earthers are 2500 years behind everyone else.
I was shocked years ago when I found out some people still believe the Earth IS flat. Still shocks me to this day. LOLL
I think some just say they do.
Hahaha, you addressed a serious and important topic in a really funny way! Thanks for the nice reading 😊
Thank YOU!! That is the best compliment I have ever received!!
I didn't even know they were catholic.
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(1/1)@snook, I sent you an on behalf of @bombus
Thank You!! <3
I hadn't thought it through before, so thanks for explaining all of that. My husband and I have been married 39 years. First and only marriage for each of us. Many times I have been ready to call it quits, but forged ahead. The wedded bliss only lasted about 5 or 6 years, and after that it has mostly been dogged determination.
You're quite right: we just sort of end up with certain jobs, and that's the way it works. I do the vacuuming and laundry and shopping and deal with annoying phone calls to argue with health insurance company employees who don't speak clear English. He plows the snow, mows the yard, and answers my questions about cars and stuff. He is no longer physically able to change the oil on the cars or fix little things that require dexterity, so we hire people to do more than we did 39 years ago.
Dealing with cardboard happens to be my job, too.
perfect words!! I think that should be now in any marriage vows.
Such a 3D(see what I did there?) perspective to have. Great advice, as well. It's good to see you posting again.
P.S. The moon is flat...😲
I DO see what you did there :D I am impressed!!
and Thank You!! It felt good for the first time in a long time to write a post because I wanted to.
I am going to make believe I never read your P.S. :D