How we measure "success"

[image source] (except I replaced their paraphrased quote with the real one)

The quote on the above image is a portion of a quote by David W. Orr in his book: Earth in Mind: On Education, Environment, and the Human Prospect (published by Island Press; Second Edition, 2004):

The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs more people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have little do with success as our culture has defined it.

Sadly, the metrics of "economic gain" or "power" have come to signify "success" in many of the cultures around the globe, and such isn't merely a phenomenon of the so-called "Western World." Those who collect the most money from others, or conquer the most other nations, or publish the most books, or run the biggest churches are all counted as "successful" people. It does not seem to matter how they managed to attain those goals or whether they're helping others along the way, just that they accomplished those things.

There are relatively few Florence Nightingales who are honored for their sacrifices and work — instead, we glorify the Julius Caesars, the J.P. Morgans, the Kardashians, and the Mark Zuckerbergs. What sort of trouble is that causing us who are alive today, what sort of lessons are we teaching our children, and what sort of legacies are we leaving our grandchildren?

And, oddly...

We need more personal accountability in this world. 😠

  • The first image in this post was found on Pinterest, where the person who pinned it gave no credit to where they found it or the person who created the image.
  • The person who created the image did not cite the source of the quote, giving no credit to the person who said the wise thing.
  • So, I turned to the Internet and did a search for the source of the quote so I could give proper credit. Many clueless people had attributed the quote to the Dalai Lama or others. 🙄 So, I deepened my search, and within the hour I had found the true source of the quote, including the online-book to back up my findings. I changed the image to give proper credit to David W. Orr. In an ideal world, no one should ever have to go searching for the source of a quote, nor question whether the sourcing cited is correct. So, yes, we need more personal accountability in the world, too, rather than clueless people who spout erroneous/vague information and cloud the issues.

    Since I could not find the person who generated the image shown at the top of this post, I have placed the quote on a photograph of a leaf which I took. Feel free to snag the following image and use it anywhere you like as I am hereby placing it in the Public Domain, meaning you are free to use it anywhere without even citing me as the source.





    WoW! Ms Kitty, this was a worthy read. So perfect and timely, this will always remain relevant for years to come. Thank you❤️

    Wow I know this "girl called Kitty'. I stumbled into this and I instantly remembered the @thekittygirl that attended to me once on discord when I was a fresh face and always ready to help people with their questions or queries.

    Such a thankless job she does. I never felt she is a blogger,I just thought she is one of the Hive administrators or something, who just sacrifices her time to help people out and stabilise them in Hive.

    I go by thesame name here on discord,I'm pretty sure you won't recall who I am because of your really large portfolio.

    Thanks again for the great work you do for us.
    All the very best ma.

    Best regards.

    Thank you so much for that! 😊

    Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
    Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!
    Pixresteemer is also listed as promoter on The Steemians Directory

    To make a change.. We need to Be the change 😊 I really loved this, and you always write in such a Great way.
    Also research so much and I always learn new things from your posts.
    Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful evening. Cheers! 🤗💞🌹

    I attended once a college graduation ceremony where the guest speaker (whose name I unfortunately forget - this was many years ago) offered up a simple test for any person to gauge their own "success," with the test being, simply, "write your own obituary."

    We need more people willing to see the bigger picture and "pay it forward," so to speak.

    Mmmmmmm indeed!
    I can see why @artemisnorth just sat here thinking after reading this. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful post on #pypt!!

    Good for me to consider these things for now :)

    Posted using Partiko Android

    This post made me sit and think for a bit. I loved both of your messages... sadly I think personal accountability is being lost in the quest for more dollars. Success on the other hand really isn't about money.

    I know people with lots of money who work so many hours they have no time left for experiencing life. As well, I know people who have very little money who spend it adventuring through life. Can we find a happy medium and call it Success? I hope so.

    !SHADE 2
    Thanks for sharing on Pimp Your Post Thursday

    We need more personal accountability in this world, we really do even here in the platform

    The change has to begin with one's self. Great article, @thekittygirl! Thank you. Have a lovely week!

    Always have liked those type of pictures (oriental paintings and such). I like the quote even better.

    Hi thekittygirl the SHADE tokens are on the way.
    Thanks for sharing SHADE
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    ahaha I think you're annoyed when someone doesn't give credit about this.

    found it in #pypt, going to read it later with focus

    Posted using Partiko Android

    That accountability thing been popping up quite a bit lately. Glad you found the true source!

    I am loving the daily thoughtful.

    Empires need their warlords but civilization does indeed need healers and artists.

    So good and an excellent #pypt post!

    Posted using Partiko iOS

    !SHADE 1
    Thanks for engaging with posts presented on PYPT

    This is an awesome post stating a very pertinent trait that seems to be lacking now a days, what happened to lead by example in today's times?
    Glad you shared this, and you did not steal my thunder on PYPT, hehehe!!!
    I happen to like your post, they are such that they make people think.
    In a nutshell, don't think like me.
    Just think.
    Don't know who said that originally. Not me.

    !SHADE 1
    Thanks for engaging with posts presented on PYPT

    Me parece un artículo muy bueno tomando en cuenta de que, muchas veces no se toman en cuenta las personas que pudieron en un momento dado crear algo y que después esta idea se les arrebató tomándola como suya, ojalá seamos más conscientes y aprendamos a valorar a todas las personas.

    It's a beautifully powerful quote – one which I've heard before, though never knew whom originally spoke those words. Thank you for digging deep enough to find him. You're exceptionally good at that.

    As well, thank you for caring about citing of sources and giving credit where it is due. As a visual content creator, I gave up a long time ago, realizing there was simply no way I could keep up with all those who use my work without ever thinking to credit me. I appreciate your genuine thoughtfulness on the matter.

    If only the world had more lovingly considerate KittyGirls. ;) <3 xo!


    thank you for sharing this oh, so lovely post on #pypt

    !SHADE 1
    Thanks for engaging with posts presented on PYPT

    This reminds me of why we choose to live in a small country. It does keep us relatively safe from the monster economies of the world, as we are just a small insignificant pawn in world affairs, Suriname is left alone.

    We are the change.
    Thank you for this meaningful post.