One of the things we love to collect are counties of the United States. Because counties are within the states, we are able to count off those states. It is very much a win-win for us. So far at this point we have visited 44% of the states (22 out of 50).
The states we have visited are Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisanna, Mississippi, Missouri, Montona, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. Unfortunately, we did not always think of getting us and the state sign. I'm not sure why, but we just did not.
The photo below shows the state signs; well, many of them. Some have us in them, some we just didn't think about stopping. However, you will find a few that are of locations within the states we did not get a sign photo.
I guess we will just have to go back and get those signs with us in them. Oh, darn.
As we travel, we try hard to get signs that show "WE'VE BEEN HERE!" It is always fun to figure out how we will pose and show off our travels. What type of traditions does your family do when you travel?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read our blog posts.
We appreciate it so very, very much!
* My posts may occasionally contain affiliated work-related links because our Cross County Travels website
and our YouTube channel are also our accounts.
* The photographs on our posts are taken with my own camera
and with Scott's help!
* Blog graphics such as various "flyers" will be cited at each occurrence.
* Clipart used are from https://www.cleanpng.com/
and/or https://pixabay.com/.
* While the Bitmoji Characters of Scott & Ren are from Bitmoji,
the compilations are my own.
* All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media accounts: OUR FACEBOOK
cross mentions are spreading the word.
We appreciate it so very, very much!
and our YouTube channel are also our accounts.
and with Scott's help!
* Clipart used are from https://www.cleanpng.com/ and/or https://pixabay.com/.
the compilations are my own.
and can also be found on my various social media accounts:
cross mentions are spreading the word.
Always seemed to me like a marvellous adventure that of yours visiting all counties you are able to. It's like travelling with a purpose but freely at the same time.
I think you should/could perfectly fill a book with all the experiences lived along the way.
I wonder if you have any preferences in music while driving or maybe you have no favourite tunes at all...
I send you both my best vibes and big hugs 🤗
Hey sweetness! I have been keeping a journal with little stories about adventures. I am working on blogging about them. It just takes me a long time because I research EVERYTHING. You know me.
We usually listen to music we can sing to. We love Darrel Scott and Don Williams. We harmonize with those two singers rather well.
Haha I know you love details ... It will be lovely to read your stories whenever I have some free time since I lately only read about my studies.
I'm not much into roots or bluegrass style but in a fast peek I appreciated great talent on both so I will be listening to their stuff these days that will also enlarge my collection, thanks so much for sharing it with me!
I love telling stories. Glad to know someone appreciates them.
My dad enjoyed Old Timey Bluegrass. It is my favorite. I have always wanted to do get back to my Ozark Hillbilly roots and learn how to stomp and sing. This is one of my favorites:
That lady does it rather lovely... isn't it "claque"?
I think anyone feeling the music rithm can stomp with practice just letting oneself flow with it... When I was younger and used to dance frequently I enjoyed myself by stomping and inventing on the fly... it's tyring but so funny!
Love your stories cos of the fresh mood you put on them appart from more other little things ;)
I do love to watch people dance. It doesn't matter what type of dancing, I love to see people move. I am not sure my knees would deal with it.
Thank you for your compliment. I love sharing stories for sure because they make others so happy.