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RE: Unready to spring

in #thoughts5 years ago

Most speakers before showtime are waiting to exhale. They open their talk, starting with a good story, and after that they are fine. All of the tormenting negative emotions somehow turns into a positive delivery of the premeditated material for their specific audience.

The audience never really knows what a speaker goes through emotionally and mentally. If you surveyed regularly to find out their particular feelings about it, the results would be pretty stunning.

In my particular case, I think the polling would show they don't care a dilly doo-dung about what I went through to prepare for the experience we will both share. I would further discover they are my audience and they are present before me to hear from me!

That in itself is very exhilarating and empowering!

As always @taraz, your insightful style makes me think towards being a better speaker... a better communicator!

I just keep a simple mindset before I speak. It is not really any different than what most speakers do. I just know after so long a time of speaking before people, after I exhale it's gonna be just fine.

Therefore, everything as far as the message I am about to speak follows the exhale! It is qued to just a simple phrase that sets off a divine alignment of heart-to-heart, mind-to-mind, and spirit-to-spirit. I courageously and boldly address my audience by saying ~~ !!!ALL HAIL!!!



The preparation doesn't bother me too much. When I was a kid though I would worry well ahead about how I was going to react in front of the audience and would get more nervous the closer it got. I delivered like crap :D

These days, I have no issues delivering in front of crowds, I just don't like it so much as I don't search for the spotlight. Generally, I deliver better than most, so it isn't really an issue professionally, but I would have liked to have develeoped the skills much younger than I did.

When you was a kid ~ you delivered like crap... NOW you a grown man with kids - in the spotlight as a Steemian original ~ Killin' like a villain and you ain't even sinning :D bahaha the rhythm of a big giddy beat! hehehehe