As Jim Morrison (Doors) song once, people are strange, when you are a stranger, faces look ugly when you are alone...
People sometimes are getting really strange. As i told before in many of my posts, each one of us is unique and from that point of view, each one of us have his unique whims. I find very interesting to observe people. There are personalities that getting furious and mad with small things without any meaning . But what has meaning to each one of us is personal. Other personalities are crying, often , for many reasons and in many occasions. Others put a mask on and hide all of their fellings.
I cannot tell you which react is the best , to be real or not, cause as i told before everything is personal!
In life, i learned that if you want to be happy, you have to cultivate your personslity. You have to stay alone if you want to love your self and the others. You have to loose a beloving person to love those who are in your life. You have to pain and cry to appreciate hapinnes and laugh. Unfortunatelly that's life. Nobody have a perfect life and its home have its matters. But what we do about that?
We stay with cross hands or we do something about it
As i growing up, i can see more clear that everything happens for a reason, if we believe the oposite, we are making bad to our selfs.
If we want a happy life, we have to think happy. Whatever we want, we have to think about it and put it at the center of our target. Don't expect anything from others and you will never get disapointed..
Stay possitive, smile as often as you can, spred love and all that will get back to you one day!
Just remember .... whatever we give from our heart, one day it will come back to us, no matter how strange personality we have.
Just be petient.
Trust me on that!!
Thanks for passing by
Follow me @calmavida
That first fun picture caught my attention but reading on got me back to the days I listened to the doors on repeat. People are strange .....I am strange ...Oh well.....Be who you are and all is just fine. Who decides whats strange anyways?
We are all stranges in our special way😊😊😊 @massivevibration
κάποιους ανθρώπους πραγματικά δεν μπορώ να τους ψυχολογήσω,αλλά ούτε και θα μπω σε αυτή τη διαδικασία... ,είμαι πολύ απογοητευμένος με τους ανθρώπους γενικά :( ,όπως είχα γράψει και σε ένα ποστ μου εδώ πριν λίγο καιρό.."αποτυχημένη δημιουργία είμαστε"
my sweat @mariossap εισαι απογοητευμενος με τους ανθρωπους γιατι περιμενεις πραγματα απο αυτους. Εαν σταματησεις να περιμενεις κατι και τους δεχτεις οπως ειναι θα δεις πως ο κοσμος σου οπως και η ψυχολογια σου θα γινει καλυτερη!!!απο εκει και περα αν σε πληγωνει καποιος κλεινεις την πορτα σου και τελος!😊τα παντα ειναι προεκταση δικων μας επιλογων....
δεν περιμένω πολλά απ'τους ανθρώπους ,την στοιχειώδη ευγένεια, και λίγη καλοσύνη... αλλά κι αυτά σπάνια τα βρίσκεις