Ramble & Photography: Taxing Times

in #thoughts9 months ago


Is it me or do these taxes seem like modern day slavery? Seeing my pay slip each month from my job and the deducted amount really makes it feel that way, but the difference is, it's not only the black man that is enslaved, it is everyone!

Living in Japan for some reason feels like the epiphany of this modern day slavery system. The salaries in the island have been stagnant for over 2 decades while inflation and taxes continue to rise, no wonder the birthrate continuous to decline year by year.

In 2023, there were 727,277 births in Japan, down 5.6% (43,482) from 2022. On the other hand, there were 1,590,503 deaths in 2023 an increase of 8,470 and a record high ( I wonder why).

Like seriously, if the government really wanted to increase the birthrate, they could just eradicate taxes for big purchases for those with children.
  • Buying a car, no tax
  • Buying a home, no tax
  • Going back to uni, no tax.

Of course this is not a perfect plan because at the moment, children in Japan receive around 10,000 yen - 15,000 yen ($64-$96) in child allowance a month from the government. But what do some parents do with the money? Buy themselves nice things, gamble it away, an outing etc. But the majority I've heard actually save the money for their child's education with many putting the money into indexes.

Like I get it, it is rough everywhere but things seem really bleak for the next generation at the going rate. Imagine the tax being paid for on a newly purchased house is more than the average yearly income 🖕.

  • The median home sale price across the US increased to $392,200 a 4.4% jump.

  • In Japan the median cost of a new house listed for sale is $247,200. ( general consumption tax has increased from 8 to 10%)

So the currencies are losing value while the assets appreciate....well kinda, houses in Japan lose value fast and there is no market for flipping homes here.

When I think about it, I am glad I found crypto, it has taught me a lot about how money actually works and helping me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. While it may not be what is at the end of the tunnel, it has opened up a whole new world of opportunities to help navigate through it. Let's make the best of this opportunity for the next generation and build some shit to keep them out of the matrix.



I’m also glad that I found crypto. Taxes are really killing and preventing us from saving
Crypto is paying my bills so I’ve got nothing to worry about

Glad you found it. And hope it brings you into endless abundance. I’d like to bring more people into crypto but it’s not so simple. When it’s your time, it’s your time.

Wow man kinda frustrating dealing with taxes and living costs in Japan. It's tough when expenses rise faster than income. Finding crypto seems like a bright spot in understanding finances and paving a way forward. Wishing you the very best bro

It can be but I guess it is up to the individual to make things work out in their favor by doing and thinking right! Let's pray that gand daddy corn get the push it needs to lift the entire market.

Sometimes I quite imagine that I should have found out about the crypto space at a very early stage than we can ever imagine and this is the reason