
I work hard to maintain the perfect balance between hard as granite and amazingly huggable. Being the world's best hugger is difficult sometimes, but I take it seriously; it's a fine balance and takes constant attention, effort and...Ah fuck it, that's a lie. It comes naturally. 😁

#worldsbesthugger #graniteman #granitehuggerman #hugsbetterthankoalas




I have listed this as my claim to Fame for 45 years. I'm going to need proof of this before I can acquiesce.


I'm in the big leagues mate, not the minor league where standards are kept to a minimum. So yeah, best ever, in the world. It's pretty apparent and those who have experienced the glory will attest to...well...the glory.

Keep trying kid, you'll get there someday, when I'm dead and can no longer hold the title.

I still refuse to believe it.

Must experience it before acknowledging it. Lol

I understand, and don't blame you...You'll have to join the queue though. It's a long wait and all you'll discover at the end is, yep, the G-dog really is the world's best hugger.

Oh wow..I thought my video posted like an hours did but.....nope lol

There were crazy shenanigans afoot today on their site when they uploaded old videos hahaha so I wonder if my post from tonight is now lost in the ether...sheesh.

Ok NOW I go to sleep! Lolol

Night C.H.