Bring on the fifth

in #thoughts3 years ago (edited)

Copy of dazz (3).png

It was January 2017 when I first started ignoring my brother, @tarazkp and his suggestions I start blogging on hive, [called something else at the time.] I wasn't interested but didn't have the heart to tell him to bugger off and leave me alone...So I just kept saying, ah ok, sounds interesting, I'll take a look. But of course I did not, that was simply code for bugger off with your talk of blogging for magic internet money nutbag!

To his credit he persisted, I guess because he cares about me and saw potential benefit in me being around on the platform. He continued to harangue me for another six months before finally I relented, more to shut him up than any real interest in hive, and I joined. I waited a week or so for my account to activate [I don't know why it took so long] and I wrote my first post - An introduction post I guess it was...And the rest is history...Because it happened in the past you see. 😁

The journey begins

June 13th 2017 was my first post and I have posted, on average, 1.5 times for every day since - Posts of some 600-2000 words usually, and covering a lot of different topics - A glance through the 2200+ posts I've done will show you that. It has been enjoyable, the only reason I'm still here. Sure, it's been tough at times, I have to apply some effort to what I do here, but the overriding feeling is one of enjoyment and in my opinion that's what's required to be consistent on the blockchain.

So, I'm into my fifth year after four solid years of blogging here, commenting, engaging and building relationships, supporting people and communities, and generally applying my knuckleheadiness to the blockchain in my own, probably unique, way.

A few days ago my start-date, or anniversary I guess, occurred and it came and went largely unnoticed, hence my post today. Another dumb happy-hive-birthday post you say? Yeah probably, but my reason for doing it is a little deeper than that, or so I hope.

My reason

I'm still here because I enjoy it and the moment I stop doing so I will be gone - No ridiculous I'm quitting posts like some do, just gone never to be seen again.

Enjoyment keeps me here but what do I enjoy? Well, it's the ability to say what I want to say, what's on my mind, or just simply throw something down on a post to get it out there at arms length, see it from greater distance.

In doing so I've dropped many personal things here although only the smallest amount of me appears in the written word. To see me, the real me, you need to read between the lines - Some do, most do not and that's fine by me. Even for those that see it more clearly can only speculate or have perceptions mostly but that's ok right? I'm here for me and my own enjoyment so I don't mind. A rare few know me well though, and I cherish them.

I remember looking at my post rewards as a way to keep score in the very early days but soon decided that wasn't going to keep me around; It was the writing, the enjoyment of it, the relationships with people I met and engaged with and the ability to put my words down with relative impunity, a record of my thoughts at that time; Like I said earlier, putting the words out there so I may make better sense of them or the emotions that made me think them. I do it for me, not for advice from others. At times the blockchain becomes somewhat a place of catharsis for me and that carries great value. It's also a place I could drop my stupid stuff knucklehead stuff too...And I do.

The community

I do a few things to help support the community, have created three topic-specific communities, delegated HP to those who need it, promoted and supported individuals and have created a few concepts that are designed to inspire engagement and relationship-building. I'm certainly not the most active or powerful account around but I feel I help in my own small way and work to give a little back to a community that has been supportive of me over the years. It feels good to give a little and I hope it helps.

There's a lot wrong here, just like in the real world, but that's ok because there's a lot right to balance it out. It's like a mirror of the real world - People out for themselves, others happy to give a little, some wishing to game it and others wishing to support it. Upstanding people and bad actors; All are represented, as in real life. But there's only one me...Just as there's only one you. Combine all the me and you's together and it spells community. We're a community folks, like it or not. We're in it together.

The reason for this post

The reason is that I don't need a reason, it's the blockchain, my own blog and I can do as I see fit, just like those bad actors I mentioned above or the good people, the community-minded folk who actively work to support the community. But having said that...

I had hoped that a few words here, a demonstration that one can stay in one's lane, blog, have some fun, get involved, find enjoyment and a little financial reward also may help others see that they could too.

Sure, we could all make it about ourselves, the what's in it for me ethos, but I feel there's more to be gained by becoming a more integral part of the community, by engaging with others, building relationships and supporting one another. It's possible you know, I do it, others do it...We all can. Being humble and kind becomes a habit and ripples outwards.

So that's about all I wanted to say; Another mindless hive-birthday post maybe, but I hope one that comes with a message that someone finds as a a little inspiration from. Let's look for ways to better-engage, get on the radar of some other users and build relationships. We won't all get along, I'm not an idiot, but we can all be a part of the community nonetheless and I'd like to think everyone could give it a try...Maybe it's you writing a four year hive-anniversary post someday?

Enough said...Bring on year five.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209


Wouldn't be the same without you, mate.

Thanks Matt, it's much appreciated. It's been a trip, that's for sure. 😊

Happy Birthday!!! I baked you a cake! No, really! I did bake it! I know, I know, the pink and all, but, you are manly enough to carry it off. I am glad there are still people that are here for other than the free money. :)) You have done some good things with your time here and have kept your audience engaged and coming back for seconds and thirds. It's not an easy task juggling life some days, then add a 2,000-word post and, Sweet Jesus! My parking meter just expired.


I have said it before and I will say it again. I love it on Steemit Hive! At the start, it was about the rewards, but, not in the dollar amount, but, that I could even survive the scrutiny of someone voting on my post. Once I realized it was for me that I was posting, it became less stressful.

It is your whole attitude towards this that makes you successful and I see firsthand the good that you do. I also see how kindhearted you are, that is always a bonus. My birthday was two days ago and I never even thought to make a post. Next year, maybe. :))

Happy birthday, Galen! It is always interesting to glean little snippets of who you are and what you are about. I suppose it is what keeps us all coming back. :))

I want to put my face in that cake, I don't care what colour it is! 😁

Thanks for your kind words, so nice to hear. Attitude is everything, here and in real life, and whilst I don't always get that right, I try to do so. I'm just as fallible as the next person though. Work in progress.

Thank you for saying the kindhearted part, that actually means a lot that you think it, and care enough to say it. Again, I try to be my best version and it works sometimes. I'm glad people come back to my posts as that helps keep me around and interested too; Engagement is important in general, and certainly to me, so I do it, and appreciate it in return. Adding passion, personality and effort has been my mantra here and I'm pleased a few people respond.

Thanks for your message, for digital cake that I imagined putting my face into and for your support. I appreciate all three. (Cake the most.) 🤪

Oh but seriously, I really did bake that cake! It took six hours and I had two can make two different creams and then. I won't go into it it was a complicated cake and I made it because my daughter pointed it out in a magazine and wanted me to make it. It also has pecan brittle on the sides and I have never made anything like it. And while it doesn't look fancy oh, it had fancy putting together battles. LOL but hey, you're worth it! LOL

As always you're a hoot and a holler to interact with and any day that you are vertical , is a good enough reason to put your face in cake.

Oh but seriously, I do want my face in it! 😆

Even more seriously...You can invite me over for cake and coffee anytime! You make the cake, I'll bring the Aussie accent, irreverent dialogue and a few laughs.

Deal!! :))

You must be as mad as a cut snake agreeing to let me into your house! :)

Well, you had me at Aussie accent. ;)

Happy birthday Brohamwich!

Thats the best way to approach the chain and the blogging. Do It because you enjoy it and if it becomes something you don't then just go. I have no time for these rage quitters who just want validation through drama etc etc.

Cuntbags they call them up here. Its in the dictionary and everything. Funny country Scotland.

I think it is best to try and be good. Its a battle but it reaps dividends in the end. More people should try.

Nice to see your big knucklehead Titan face up there at the top! ;O)

Hey fellow Titan! Thanks for the words man, I really appreciate it.

It's been a ride for sure but I've met some people that I value and in turn I'd like to think I add some also...A little egotistical of me of course but there's got to be someone out there who thinks it! Right? Lol.

Seriously, I wish I hadn't ignored it for those six months but I made it eventually...Still here, still writing a million words per post! Lol.

Doing the right thing means something Boomy and there's many who do thankfully...The bad actors and cuntbags (yes that translates to Australianish) will fall eventually...Maybe not on the blockchain...But we all have to pay the ferryman eventually. We will all reap the harvest of that which we have sown.

That head of mine mate...I figured I might as well subject the blockchain to the full horror of my mug...Someone might print it and use it on a dart board. See how I'm always thinking of others?

Hey bro...Thanks man, for your support. I appreciate it.

I knew that word would transfer to Australian no bother, hehe.

You write very well, you can always tell when someone is a good writer as their writing isn't a chore to get through.

Never mind dartboards, You got it right the first time. MUGS! We should get Galen Mug Mugs!

I can see a bright future ahead :OD

Thanks man, kind words and coming from a writer like you, they mean something. Now on the mugs...

Galen's mug mugs for everyone! 🤣

You actually gave me an idea...What if I got some made and did a giveaway on hive, sent them around the world like I did the Vegemite. Could be fun...And costly...But fun! Lol.

It could be costly, but also fun! People could chip in!!

It has a ring to it Galen's mug mugs, lol!

That's the post title:

Win a Galen's mug mug!

We're onto a winner mate, biggest thing since that nutbag boulder challenge...Nah, biggest thing since Doby's poetry! 🤣

Top Dobby's poetry... Now that is ambitious crazy talk. I like it. Yes, it will top that no problem!

You've got to be in it to win it! :OD :OD

Great post mate, I haven't popped around your blog for a little while and forgot how good your blog is.

Drama is a good read makes lockdown more interesting and I'm like you where I enjoy engaging and speaking with others and I simply have enjoyment from writing and reading.

Great blog post.

Thanks mate, I appreciate the kind words. The only thing U disagree with is that but about drama. Me no likey drama.

Drama is a good read

Nope...Turns me off.

Thanks for coming around, hope things are well in covid-central Melbourne.

Ah I feel like I'm in a never ending cycle of are we locked down? Can I go to the Cafe? Do I need to wear a mask? What is happening.... lol

Yeah it's been alright, has Pfizer a few weeks ago get my second jab in a few days. Just can't wait for this to be over. Just another 3.5 years to go :(

Finally about to start building which is exciting!

Your weekend engagement topic a few weeks ago stumped me about someone special you could see again. Didn't know who to write.

Keep up the great work!

Only 3.5 years? Lol...Kill me now!

Hope the build goes well, it'll be done in no time.

Great post!

I’ve forwarded it to a friend of mine who has just started on Hive (@saronaspecial) as advice to follow.

Oh g'day mate, hope you're well.

Thanks for saying so and I hope your friend feels she/he can shoot me a message and ask any questions - I'm always happy to help.

Wow! Fours years plus and still going strong. This is great! I'm just months old and have a looong way to go, lol.

Combine all the me and you's together and it spells community. We're a community folks, like it or not. We're in it together.

Well said, sir. We are a community!

Happy hive-anniversary! Hooray! where's the cake? 😅

Yay for four years! Lol. I ate all the cake...Actually, double chocolate chip cookies...Only crumbs left.

Actually that's a lie...I ate the crumbs too! 🤪

Thanks for your message. Keep pushing, stay consistent, inject passion, personality and effort. You'll go fine. 😉

Hahah! You wiped the plate clean.

Keep pushing, stay consistent, inject passion, personality and effort. You'll go fine.

Thank you. Will do. 🙂

Knuckleheads both have gift in writing, always enjoy reading the nitty gritty from North and South, pity such distance between, hey perhaps that is the secret!

Being humble and kind becomes a habit and ripples outwards.

Might not write as fluidly as most, but sure do read a lot between the lines, small little nuggets reveal every so often.

Keep up the good work, celebrate enjoying good company over the past five years, 🙃 still enjoy reading daily content!


Hey Joan, thanks for commenting. I really enjoy the interaction and characters of hive...It's a unique place with lots of good people. Let's keep throwing the right pebbles into the pond and watch the ripples reach the edges huh? 😊

Like ripples in the pond we will grow...

As the saying goes "Time flies when you having fun", Have an awesome day!

Hey @galenkp, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.

Wow... The truth is that there is much certainty in what you write, I think that like everything within the good part there is a bad part and vice versa, the yin and yang and stuff. The important thing is as you say to continue contributing as an integral user, supporting those who need it, and contributing to Hive. I am relatively new but this time has helped me to see the beauty of the platform, how you can develop yourself on it, and find and do what you love.

Btw, happy birthday!!! (Delayed but it's the thought that counts)

The truth is that I like how you run everything Galen, your blog is quite genuine, quite "you" and you have projects that help people both develop and find themselves on the platform. May it be many, many more years in the blockchain, and may you keep contributing as always. 4 years is easy to say but is not at all.

PD: "I do what I want because I want to", that's the mantra to always have! Hahaha

It's all a matter of perspective. We could whine and complain about what we don't have or build on and develop what we do have. I chose the latter and decided early on that my enjoyment and reward here would be best gained from things I can proactively do and effect rather then be dependent upon people's votes, which I cannot control.

It's a marathon, not a race, and by being ourselves, adding personality and some effort, we can build something.

Thanks for your comment.

I've been seeing a few 4th birthday posts lately. Gosh, doesn't time fly! Hard to believe it's been that long.

That's one persistent brother you have. 😆

Time flies for sure...But in an enjoyable way I guess, or I'd be gone.

Oh yeah, he's persistent alright. So now everyone knows whose to blame for me being around. 🤣

I'm still here because I enjoy it and the moment I stop doing so I will be gone - No ridiculous I'm quitting posts like some do, just gone never to be seen again.

You earn good amounts of money and good amounts of comments with your posts. This is something most people cannot say about their posts. Actually most of the posts from most of the users are either ignored or overlooked. Some people put their heart and soul (many hours of hard work and effort) into their posts, and they still getting ignored/overlooked. This is why they quit.

My personal experience:
I am on the Steem/Hive blockchain since 2017.05.17, and nowadays I have more than 1200 followers, but most of them are inactive nowadays. They left the platform long months/years ago. This says a lot about this platform, I believe.

Let us be honest. This platform is disappointing for most of the users.

What a great effort you have put in, you've been here longer than me and are still here! Well done for showing consistency, you must enjoy it a lot.

Thanks for your comment and message of support, I appreciate it greatly.

Well done for showing consistency, you must enjoy it a lot.

To be honest, not at all actually. I even left the platform a few times because of my disappointment. I am earning cents with most of my posts, and I rarely receive real human comments, despite the fact that I comment a lot. I was in the top 10 of the engagement league multiple times in the previous weeks.

I guess we all have the ability to make the choice of staying or leaving the platform. You say you've left a few times, but clearly you're here so there must be something about it that makes you do so.

Thanks for you comment once again.

Honestly? The money. Obviously. I am trying to earn money to make my life better. So far I only try. But I do not give up. I live under the minimum wage, and I will use every opportunity to increase my income.

Thanks for your candour and I applaud your efforts to make your life better as many would simply stick their hand out and expect a chunk of cash to land on it, figuratively speaking of course. Taking an active role in your better-life endeavour is admirable and shows ownership and responsibility. I wish you all the best with it; I believe you will find the success you're looking for if you have the right attitude.

Just on your commenting, I have seen quite a bit of it actually but one comes to mind in particular.

It was left on a post of mine and whilst you are free to comment as you please it perplexed me.


You see, that post is a weekly initiative I do to inspire some engagement and to give people a place to open relationships and nurture them. People tend to enjoy it and so they come back week after week and I know many good relationships have been formed through the concept. I have also given away about 3500 hive in the 53 weeks I have been running it, just for commenting.

Your comment was a conundrum though as it felt negative when it could have simply been a comment in relation to the topic question of the week instead; A comment that would have got up-voted by me and possibly have gained you a hive transfer from me also, directly to your wallet. It could have been one that opened relationships also. Ultimately though, it was ignored by myself and everyone else.

I bring this up only to point out that our reality is between our ears. If we choose to see something as negative, so it will be. If we choose to shift our paradigm, to choose alternative paths, then opportunity may open up.

We all have choices in life and from what I gather you have the desire to improve your situation which, as I say above, speaks highly of you. I'm not going to make suggestions to you, I don't think you would appreciate it, however there may be something in this comment that prompts you to consider your path forward, what steps you take and that, ultimately, will determine what destination(s) you reach.

All the best with you journey xplosive.

I wrote that comment only because most posts are either ignored or overlooked on the Hive blockchain. Nowadays generally the real human comments are rare on the Hive blockchain. The average number of comments per post is 2-3, and most of those comments are bot comments.

But you are right. I should post about the question/topic of the post. Thank you for the suggestion and for any support.

Have some !PIZZA.

Sounds like there's a lot to blame (thank?) your brother for. His posts were the first I came across that didn't leave me wondering why it was upvoted as much as it was. Still don't know how it took me a couple more years to run into you.

I'll admit, my reasons for joining that which shall not be named were purely mercenary. I'd glanced at the trending photography posts, thought 'I can do better than that' and gave it a go. I quickly realized that it wasn't quite so simple but the friends I've made and the communities I've found more than offset my imagined windfall.

Anyways, happy birthday/anniversary/celebration thingy sir! Glad to have made your acquaintance, hope to see you around for many more of these posts.

Lol, yeah blame my brother, I do! 🤪

It's a complex beast to be honest right? Hive. That's why I tend to just stay in my own lane and avoid the drama that seems to unfold here, as in the real world. I have enough to deal with without finding more.

I apply the be my best version strategy here, as in life, and largely it has worked. Those who wish to engage do so, like you, and others don't. Same as the real world. I invest my time in the engagers and in creating a space where I can find some enjoyment.

I didn't know you'd followed my brother for a few years prior to me but at least we connected and here we are, still doing so.

I hope you're well.

I don't know how your brother(s) are but mine always thought that was the best strategy 🤣

Complex, at the very least. Just when I think I'm starting to get it doped out something else changes. I wind up mixed up in enough excitement without going and looking for extra, I try and do about the same as you.

How many of these birthday-versary things do we have to have before we get to start making old timer jokes to the johnny-come-latelys?

Hmm, considering the churn-rate I'd say we're qualified to make old-timer remarks with impunity.

I'm glad he was able to harangue you on here XD

even though younger siblings can be a pain sometimes ;D

and in a reversal of your situation I'm currently trying to get my younger sibling dearest on here

I guess your revenge is if you ever just decide you aren't having fun anymore and bugger off, Taraz will be having to field all the WHERE DID GALEN GO IS HE OKAY panic queries XP

Lol, yeah he'll have his hands full making excuses for where I've gotten to. I said to him only a few months ago that if I died he has free reign to do a post about it...Like my hive eulogy. It won't matter what he says, I'll be dead, I'm sure he'd make up something good. 🙄

Good luck haranguing your sister to get on here.

Happy Hive birthday! 🎉 You are one of the few that have stayed consistant here, I if anyone know how hard that is.

Thanks Eve, it's been difficult st times, but overall enjoyable. The real accolades go to the hive community for putting up with me!