
There are going to be some Twister-related injuries I suspect.

Yes...Do you have a good Chiro that speaks English? I'll need one.

Never been to a chiro here. I have a decent bonesetter though... I will explain later :D

Ah ok...Well, I might have to forego the Twister then...My back won't take it.

Chiropractors are the best for twister related injuries! [chiropractic student here — saw that comment and had to jump in!]

Chiropractors bare goofball round. I'd be a cripple if not for my Chiro. Thanks for your comment. Hope your studies are going well.

There's not a ton of chiropractic schools outside the U.S. unfortunately. They are! First year down, three more years to go!

There's one here in Australia, RMIT I think it's called, in Melbourne.

Only 3 years...Not long at all! :)

I don't trust them in Finland for some reason.