Are they suppose to know everything about us?
Mistakes, regrets, challenges, dreams, plans.......
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Follow @hadassah
Are they suppose to know everything about us?
Mistakes, regrets, challenges, dreams, plans.......
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Follow @hadassah
Hello, its a great question. I would say perhaps, depending on the level of friendship, and what the individual feels comfortable sharing. It certainly wouldn't be a requirement of friendship to share ones deepest thoughts. Perhaps, one or 2 friends(a spouse/life partner), would fit into the category of sharing ones deepest thoughts.
Hmmm... True, thank you
Your welcome. Also, a good start is to count oneself as a best friend with whom one is able to honestly and succinctly define who you are, what you believe in, and what needs to change. If one can openly and honestly love oneself, it will be easier to see reflections of that love while interacting with "others".
Yup! So true.... Thank you dear