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RE: The good pirate

in #thoughts6 years ago

I think you're very right about piracy - you may get a new customer or you may not. I would've never gone to all the concerts I've been to if it wasn't for pirating websites. Besides, I don't understand (at least with music) what the big deal is anyway - most music is available on YouTube already, each song with more than one video. It's not like I can't take my music from there, you know...
As for movies, most of them are crap. As you say, I would've never gone to most of the movies I watch online, so it's not like they lost me as a customer.

Pirating may be flawed, but that's because the system we live in is flawed also. I think things in the real world should be like on Steemit, only more honest - you view/listen/read and then, if you like it, you pay. Because it's an unfair trade. Normally, in other professions, I would know what I'm paying for, what kind of service I'm getting. But with books or movies or songs, you don't know, so you're supposed to pay beforehand and hope for the best. How's that fair? And how is it the merit of the actors? If I go see something, I either go because I like one of the actors (rare, there are so few good actors around) or because of all the hype created around it (more likely) which is marketing, thus not the actor's merit.
Maybe they shouldn't allow piracy, fine. But they should change the system. Because it's just as wrong as piracy is.


Normally, in other professions, I would know what I'm paying for, what kind of service I'm getting. But with books or movies or songs, you don't know, so you're supposed to pay beforehand and hope for the best. How's that fair? And how is it the merit of the actors?

Are they going to refund if you don't like the movie or book? You are paying for a product after all. Perhaps there will be a blockchain for class action suits for refunds for crap movies, albums bought, concert experiences, books.

The pay if you like model is gaining momentum and not just on blockchains. There are several large podcasts that are moving to it.

Exactly - you pay for a product for which you'd get a guarantee, but you don't. Well, I hope we move to the pay if you like model soon.
I mean I get it, there could be potential draw backs, such as people liking it but not holding up their end of the bargain, but then again, they're pirating your stuff now, so you're not runing a worse bet.