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RE: Income exposed and disposed

in #thoughts6 years ago

"However, is that all there is to this life, struggle to pay the bills and then does that cycle end?"

This question is the ultimate question of life. The accepting and rejecting, hankering and lamenting, for money, happiness, possessions, are the secondary sideline activities to keep alive. Unfortunately we make them the primary focus, and forget the real goal. By asking these questions you show that you have realized something about life, that there must be something higher than just eating, sleeping, mating and defending, which are the animal propensities.

We already have the answers within, as well as all the happiness, wealth and power we can imagine. It is all already within us. It's only due to lack of education in a western capitalist world engineered by leaders with ulterior motives that we are still forgetful of the focus on consciousness and are bewildered by materialism. They don't want us to awaken and remember our true natures, but want us enslaved to the consumer wheel.
Still some of us break out of the matrix, the illusion, the bad programming, either driven by a desire to know more, or to escape the misery of material life. Those that question as you have are able to be led by their inner knowing to some answers and insights, or are led to those who can answer the ultimate questions and show you how to tap in to your inner abundance.
When we realize that we have it all already, then we no longer hanker. We have all the happiness we want, we simply have to shift our perspective or our perception of reality.
There you have it. Well done.


They don't want us to awaken and remember our true natures, but want us enslaved to the consumer wheel.

It is a cycle that has no end until ownership is held by many instead of many's debt held by a few.

I am not the kind of person that can live out in the woods unfortunately so the finding of balance is necessary. I am hoping that in time, the return of value to many hands through blockchains will balance the drive of consumerism as it can slowly return a 1:1 ratio of trade.