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RE: Embers to flame

in #thoughts3 years ago

Wow... This is deeper and powerful than it looks. I got so much from this sir. Wow...

Bending is okay, breaking is not. I love this so much. It's okay to bend but breaking is optional depending on how we approach it. It most of the time, as I am guilty too, we react to situations rather than respond to it and that sets the tone for how things pan out. A speed bump was designed to stop us temporarily and not permanently, so it's okay to have some not so good moments because it makes us appreciate the good moments better. Maybe we meet some few bad people in life too so that when we meet the good ones we can learn to appreciate them.

This helped me a lot because I always want to always be at my best but it's okay if I won't always be, not for lack of effort but because life happens, I just have to make sure I don't break.

I've always been a huge fan of nature and nature heals and I am glad that nature came through for you, yet again, sir.


You say, always want to be at your best, but I think there's a better option.

I used to chase my best and seek perfection but it actually doesn't exist. A long time ago I learned that seeking continual improvement is far more productive and valuable than seeking perfection. It allows one the ability to see positive results through improvement rather than feel disappointed at not attaining perfection. A small change of mindset with massive potential gain.

Thanks for your comment.

Thank you so much for this, sir. Absolutely... Perfection doesn't exist as no man is perfect. Focus on improvement is key... It doesn't have to be perfect but should be an improvement from the last. I won't forget this in a hurry. 💘❣️❤️