well said.
i find it comes down to my level of consciousness. the times i suffer the most are when i mix up thoughts and "my" current worldly situation with myself. on netter days i simply see life playing out, from a neutral observer standpoint.
when "i" feel i am wanting, chasing, needing i know i have been drawn into the worldly affairs too much and need to get back to identify with the observer, rather than fixing everything and taking this place all too seriously.
Yeah, I can agree. Usually the inner dialogue tends to make things worse than they are. So, again, it makes sense that quieting the mind makes one more joyful.
When one feels lacking, that's a reminder to look within. Why do I feel this way? But in the end, it's okay not to be okay. It's like that phrase I heard that sometimes you feel bad until you feel good. In my case, just hearing that made me feel better, haha.
I hope you're fine.
Blessings to you!
aye, it's that constant challenge of not getting stuck or hung up. sometimew it goes one way other times another.
i am happy to say that i finally came upon david hawkin's surrender technique which outright saved my ass! it is such a godsend and i will recommend it to anyone getting too hung up on themselves. i have yet to blog about it and have been working a lot with it. putting maximum awareness into emotions as they come up until they run out.
it is rather mindblowing to witness how simple and effective that approach is.
Thanks! I will take a look at it. :)