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RE: Embracing discomfort

in #thoughts4 years ago

As for the personal added value i found that when you drop your guard and understand your place which includes your strengths, you can customize your learning experience towards your goals and be more efficicent in your progress. The intent with which you practice your instrument defines the outcome when you play; Plus your are more open to what we call in music "being in the zone". Its a state applicable to life i believe; it helps in assuming the power to create it in real time for the moment not for a preconceived notion of what should be.@galenkp i agree its a tricky one. What i found is that when u approach people with that intent from a place of security it helps discern what kind of people u are dealing with. If someone mistakes ur respect and humility as weakness they will make it easy for you to detect; at that point u have the upper hand to where you want the situation to go. Even in war humility and respect are crucial.