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RE: Income exposed and disposed

in #thoughts6 years ago

I like entertainment but making it more than consuming it XD

I'd love to be able to ditch the mortgage. That's the biggest killer. Even the word is killer XD It's just my partner that needs to retire though so he can do my current job coz he's better at it. I'll keep thinging because I will thingi no matter what (and have done for years) XD

Your wife not understanding is...understandable (pffft) my partner doesn't really get it either and he's better at this kind of thing than me (he plays with other stocks but in fairness he doesn't trade any kind of currencies crypto or fiat). Think our most amusing conversation was him saying a lot of the cryptos sound just like ponzi schemes and in his research pretty much everything is a ponzi scheme (because people who don't like it or got burnt or whatever say it is) and I was like "oh like fiat then?" No answer XD