Yay well done on the potty training small :D We did elimination communication with great success with the middle child, wished I'd discovered it with eldest. Then tried again with youngest with much less success because I really struggled with three kids under 5 (something something PND that was borderline PNP) and as much as I love the toddler years and was not wishing time away by any stretch I was pretty damn happy to see the back of nappies XD
LoL accidentally spending more money at Ikea than intended. I have similar issues with Officeworks x_x But yay for feeling comfortable enough to be able to spend money on something that's just nice rather than essential for basic survival :D
None of our furniture has matched since we were uni students and we're not changing that anytime soon XD
I often wonder how many bloggers public facade is similar to their private and whether the people who know them call them out on the gaps.
Happens. I saw a case once on dA where someone was whining about how they had the worst birthday ever because no one made them any gift art and one of their friends (also on dA) commented on the whine post saying how yep it was the worst birthday ever as they didn't have a big party with their friends and family and lots of birthday presents. More recently I've scrolled past headlines about influencers getting exposes written on them by ex-friends.
I do not think there is a great deal of pleasure to be found in having to manipulate and rely on others to get what one wants.
Given the sheer volume of people you interact with in any given work week I'm sure you must have had some stage encountered the type of person that immensely prides themselves on their overwhelming charismatic ability to manipulate other people into doing stuff for them so they don't have to bother wth boring mundanity like working for their own money XD
Of course, no one (very few) are ever going to get traction from their first post, no matter how good their content is
I haven't been relly around a lot of other socnets recently, is this a thing that's unique to steem et al or whether it's an entitlement mindset in a person regardless of platform?
I have never heard of this. I will have to look it up to see what it is about.
I was a floor manager at Officeworks. ;D
I don't spend any time reading about the lives of MSM influencers and their issues. Tired of the breakdowns and people complaining about their lives in the spotlight, as if that isn't what they wanted.
Definitely. But it always ends up in the same position eventually, they are alone and without avenues.
Nope, it is everywhere. On Steem people just assume because they expect to get paid that it is easy.