Becoming a better person

in #thoughts6 years ago

My wife is still up formatting her Master's thesis that she is finally turning in tomorrow. I have spent the last few hours helping her because the template provided was put together by a drunk monkey that hates the world. I am glad this will finally be over soon - she still has a few essays to write over the coming weeks for her last course. I am "pretty sure" she will be glad to get it out of the way too.

The new normal that is to follow is going to be strange for us all.

For me, not much really changes a I keep working and keep Steeming but also hopefully, I get some time to do a little bit of looking after myself, having some time to cook a meal, go to the gym, kick back a touch on the weekends. I am looking forward to it.

I found out today that I don't have summer holidays from work unless I take them unpaid but, I don't think I am going to do that this year. While it would be nice to be able to, I think it is better if I work through as my wife is unlikely to have a job by that point and we are still clearing debts. Once she is working, I am hoping to knock the debts back much faster than I have been able to over the last 6 months. Debts are terrible, I understand why the Lannisters always pay them.

One of these days though, I am going to not only live debt free but, a life where there is a little bi of excess, some disposable income. I am not much of a disposer of things if I can help it, I think it is because I am still part of a generation that fixed things. My TV is 13 years old and, it is doing fine. Not that I use it much these days anyway.

It is a bit funny at work talking to some people as I am quite out of it when it comes to the latest entertainment things, whether it be games, shows or movies. I was talking with a colleague today and noted that the last movie we saw was "Wonder" which was about a year and a half ago or more. I used to be up with these things, ahead of the game even but, they don't really interest me these days at all, I have no sense of missing out when it comes to being entertained.

When I was a kid I was able to get a little TV in my room after my granddad passed away and I would stay up late at night watching all kinds of random things. Back then, the TV stations still finished their programming at around 2 am or so and more often or not, I would watch til there was a test pattern. What a waste of good sleeping time or, drawing time or... something else. Even then I knoew that I wasn't getting much of value from spending my time in front of what my granddad called "the idiot box".

Kids are pretty stupid with how much time they waste on irrelevancies and trivialities thinking that they are important to life, necessary, enjoyable. I like to enjoy myself but I find that I do not enjoy passivity, there has to be some kind of action, something thoughtful or requiring skill in order for me to enjoy it. Passive consumption doesn't rest my mind and if anything, it is more stressing on it as I realise that there is not a great deal of time in this life and, I enjoy doing more than sitting.

It is funny considering how much I sit in front of the PC but, is this not doing? Yes, I could likely move more but there are various forms of movements and I see the movement of thought as a vital one that can change the course of the movement of body. Think the same things, the chances of doing the same things is pretty high in my opinion and, if what one is doing is not journeying toward where one might want to be, a rethink might change that.

Perhaps this is why major medical scares are able to shift habitual behaviors so much as they force the thought of reflection on what one has done, where one is and, where one might want to be. It makes people look at those in their life, the relationships they hold, the baggage they carry and perhaps, helps to reevaluate life values in an attempt to improve before it is too late. I don't know if this is the same for everyone, but I think that my own trial in life have led to a constant process of reflection.

The funny thing about Steem over the last 2 years is that while people think I am a little nutty for spending so much time here, I actually feel more myself than I have in my entire adult life. In the real world I am calmer even though tired and harder working than ever before. I think I am much better off for the experience here even if there were no Steem involved.

The Steem is involved though and that is a bonus that I hope will enable me more opportunity to be a little better than I am without it. Money isn't the thing that makes someone better of course, but it can give them the time and space to do other things and those other things might be more valuable to others than economic wealth.

Will I be better for having the Steem because if its value or, because of the processes I went through to collect it over time? Hard to say as, the alternate path is always only speculative.

My wife sent her thesis. 12 hours early.

[ a Steem original ]


I changed with my medical scare and did some serious reflecting. I became more focused and determined to do things the right way and change things that were wrong. It is weird that something like that gives you a serious kick up the backside and turns your whole life on it's head.

It is weird that something like that gives you a serious kick up the backside and turns your whole life on it's head.

While everyone wants an easy life, it is the hard that drives change.

Very nice to hear that her thesis has been sent. Been a long time. I have no doubt it is great.

medical issues do change the way one looks at things. Also gives you an appreciation for people. Different opinions become small when you see the bigger picture.

Also gives you an appreciation for people. Different opinions become small when you see the bigger picture.

perhaps everyone should have a medical scare early on in life, that way they might appreciate people sooner.

I am glad she is nearing the end of her studies :D

Hardships do make our lives better by making us more aware. More attentive.

It would be nice it that did not have to happen that way

My TV is 13 years old and, it is doing fine. Not that I use it much these days anyway.

This got to me, my tv 📺 doesn’t see me anymore before it, my tv is more or less for my kids and visitors, steem has thought me how to invest my time better in everything.

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steem has thought me how to invest my time better in everything.

A lot of people have benefited from this aspect I think, I know I have.

Is it perhaps because Steem gives you an outlet to release and reflect on your inner thoughts that you feel more like yourself?

For me I find that to be the case especially over the last year when money certainly isn't the big draw. Having an outlet and a community to share to and learn from has been incredible.

Dedfinitely has an effect as I am able to process more completely and discover habits and thinking issues in the way I experience life. I am always me but, I can be a better me with intention :)

The bear markets have helped me understand that while there is an economic future here, the sticky part isn't that. There is so much to enjoy here through interaction and participation.

Best thesis ever, I'm sure!

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She should do okay with it at least. Hopefully some of the contacts translate into jobs.

Congrats for her! A great accomplishment that will be pivotal for the family! Will be great to experience the journey with you!

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I am unsure what I am meant to do around the house now that she can go back to cleaning ;D

I remember when I handed in my thesis for my Masters, it was like I got my life back and was such a relief

I think she is feeling that today and while she has a few things left to do, it is little in comparison to the thesis. Life can move on soon.

Hope your wife will share some of her essays on Steem. I think blogging in general makes a better person. Imagine a world, where everybody would write a blog, even if they don't tell the url. I think at least we would have less anger and suffering in the world. A blogger, like a writer or any kind of artist lives in his/her head, observes the world and using a specific medium creates new thoughts for others to consume and to create upon. It's self-therapy in some way. And it goes even further. Your posts is a therapy for your readers too... So keep going...

I wish she would. Her thesis is in Finnish though. I have tried to get her interested here but she never really sticks with it(@momone). She doesn't like writing in English so much I think. Maybe when the school work is done she will start posting a little and warm up :)

I definitely think writing is cathartic and agree,

I think at least we would have less anger and suffering in the world.

Is there a Finnish community here? @momone could write in Finnish, if she has the drive. But with blogging you really have to have the drive to stick long enough to reap the rewards. If I understand correctly the area of expertise of @momone is organizational communication. This is a terrific skill to have for someone and to write about.

My wife @laputis is not really interested in blogging but she gladly shares her Pinky and Spiky comics. This is not related to her profession as organist but is a hobby that gives her joy not only when she created but also when she engages with the community around these silly animals.

So the key is to find something enjoyable and share it. It's so much different from the burden of blogging.

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There is a very small Finnish community here but in time, I hope to grow it quite a lot but my plan is a longer term one than one at a time.

I have talked to her about writing in Finnish too but she is unsure how useful it is yet, I think that it is useful for her.

I like seeing the Pinky and Spiky comics come through my feed these days - and from so many users. it is like a movement :) I vote on some as I can.

I have no doubt your wife will follow your example and pick up blogging when in her mind the gain outweighs the pain associated with it. Thank you for your support and interest in these comics. @laputis and I are surprised that people actually want to draw silly piglets and hedgehogs every week.

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It is fun and I think it is better than those adult colouring in books :)

Yeah bro, but I have some questions for you can you explain them?
