Come rain or shine

in #thoughts5 years ago (edited)

Have you noticed how the people who "tell it how it is" are always negative? It is an interesting position as they talk about truth, but don't actually have much to offer in the way of positive things to do, just undercut what is being done. I guess they want a participation trophy.

Here you go 🏆 As long as you feel good about yourself.

But, that is the funny thing perhaps as from at least the outside looking in, the types of people who are always negative do not seem to actually feel good about themselves. Perhaps the reason for their outlook isn't because it is truth, it is because they themselves feel a certain way and justify it by fitting a reality to their emotional experience.

A lot of Finland's suicides are blamed on the darkness of the winter, but supposedly most happen in the spring when the weather is warming up and sunny. The reasoning is that during the dark times people can justify their depression by saying "it is just the weather and lack of light", but once the conditions change and they still feel the same, they have to look in the mirror.

The process is likely similar on Steem as people's personal emotional position heavily effects their perspective of the world. If a person is struggling in real life, perhaps they are suffering from illness, depression or the viral internet disease, loneliness, are they more likely to see the positives of the platform, or focus on the negatives?

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of things that need to be addressed on the platform and plenty of target points for criticism, but the incessant whining isn't going to solve any of them. When it comes to community interaction and engagement, I don't see how the hyper sensitivity to the negatives is going to attract or retain anyone on the platform.

Speaking of confidence,, if a man approaches a woman in a bar and says, "I have a crappy job, my wife left me, my children hate me, I am not a good person, I have a drinking problem and a small penis, if I could still get it up that is - can you buy me a drink?"

Of course, with the right delivery...

Maybe it is just when people are online as for the most part, the incentives for interaction are heavily skewed toward the negative, emotional, outrage and drama. It is possible that a person can actually get more engagement from the negative as they are able to attract others who feel like them and who are also looking for justification of their emotional state.

But, there is saturation in the outrage market and many participants with a near news-like 24-hour cycle, meaning that it is unlikely that one person is going to be able to hold the attention of the crowd for long before the next topic overshadows the last - often with a ramping up of the sensitivity and outrage dials. Trying to keep up in the game of negativity has got to be exhausting and definitely not conducive for a productive or creative mindset.

We are what we eat and that includes what we consume via our feeds, but more than that, we start to see what we eat everywhere. On Steem there is a lot of various scams and less than community-orientated behavior, and if spending a lot of time in the sludge, it is easy to see it everywhere, while blacking out the other sides of the platform.

It is much like the example of a person buying a new car and while prior they didn't see many or any of the same type, post purchase it seems like every man and his dog are driving one. It isn't that they have suddenly taken to the streets, it is just that the purchase makes it personal and orders the attention to look for familiar.

Steem is great for someone like me who is somewhat disconnected from the emotional reactions and responses, but not immune. This means that for the most part, I can spend a fair amount of time in the negative aspects without having it make me jaded on the positives and future. It is interesting that many people believe I shill and turn a blind eye to the negatives in order to have a positive outlook, but this is not the case.

For me, I spend a lot of time in the negatives and have a positive outlook for the future of Steem despite seeing them. It isn't ignorance, it is the understanding that there is no such thing as perfect and the path is even murkier due to the decentralization. I think if most people had startup experience and saw all of the nonsense, risk and failure that goes into the making a successful business, they would probably have an outlook on Steem that was closer in fit to mine.

But, most do not and many who do, only have limited experience and visibility. It is easy to stay narrow and nitpick and it is easier still to know a tiny fraction but believe all that is needed to know is known and use that limited knowledge to criticize. Maybe it is human nature in the same way that there are racists in the world who have never met the object of their hatred, but still believe their position is justified.

All they know is how they feel.

But, feeling and knowing whether those feelings are legitimate and accurate to circumstance are two different things. And, in a world that has encouraged showing emotion over emotional control, it is only natural that the attack first, avoid questions later approach is the go to reaction. And with the speed of the information cycle, they can move on to the next seeded outrage without any kind of followup or reflection.

Who knows, perhaps Steem is all a joke and it will go nowhere and die a death by a thousand cuts, but that need not be the outcome ether. This is the risk consideration that people need to make, but your evaluation and relative willingness to take the leap doesn't mean you are correct.

Some are waiting to say "I told you so" in regards to a positive or negative outcome on Steem. For me, I have better things to do in either scenario.

[ a Steem original ]



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It is rather funny that most of the people pointing out the positive people are the negative people, I try to stay positive, I also believe that steem may rebound price wise, but I also believe that it is not a real necessity for steem block chain to be successful. I see the block chain as already successful. Even at these depressed prices, people are still posting commenting voting, and interacting with each other.

With it being a new year and that year being 2020, I actually un-muted all the people I had muted over the life of my account. (I think just shy of 90 muted). It took a bit to do, but the majority of them had stopped posting/commenting over 2 years ago, only a few, less than ten still had active accounts. Most got muted by me for being excessive rude/negative/plagiarism, pretty much the only reasons I ever muted anyone.

I think being over negative or seeing only the negative side all the time has a much higher burn out than those that while they can see the negative, they prefer to focus on the positive, have less of a burn out issue.

Muted 90 people? That's like 80% of everyone here 😂. Love your view by the way; while I hope there's a spike soon, I keep blogging because, well, its fun

That's like 80% of everyone here

:D lols

A couple of them were not muted for to long, but as time went by, well, some just had to be. The only reason I am still here after 2 1/2 years is it is fun, I tried some of the other "social" sites, but they all fell kind of short, some things missing on steem but it at least is not as short on the social side as some other social sites.

Yup. I feel you

I see the block chain as already successful.

I do too as it has achieved both social and technological advancements in ways that haven't really been seen before. A decentralized community building an ecosystem together in a trustless environment is pretty cool.

I think being over negative or seeing only the negative side all the time has a much higher burn out than those that while they can see the negative, they prefer to focus on the positive, have less of a burn out issue.

The official burnout personalities probably are testament to this, and the numbers are growing. I have noted in my IRL work, that negative people tend to be the only ones who burn out in the workplace. They also almost invariably do not consider their position their responsibility, it was always something else they had no control over.

Interesting about the mute, I am not sure how many I have muted, but it can't be many. Is there a place to check?

Interesting about the mute, I am not sure how many I have muted, but it can't be many. Is there a place to check?

I just use steemworld, you can copy and then past the list into a spreadsheet and get an auto count, or just a quick guesstimate by how many pages of people you have muted on steemworld. Looks like you have ten muted, on steemworld click the Followers tab button, then where it says Mode: {default is New (last 7 days)], click the drop down arrow, and then the last entry is Ignored (muted)

Interesting about the mute, I am not sure how many I have muted, but it can't be many. Is there a place to check?

Well, I think @bashadow's procedure and answer address more directly this question. But just in case you are curious to know ¿Who've muted you? instead, you can enjoy the 'wisdom' of knowing who doesn't like the tone of your voice doing click right here. :)

I don't mind people muting me :)

Haha yeah! But anyway, knowledge is power!! :)

Pretty much all of my mutes are spamming accounts - and a couple of people I didn't want to see, like Stellabelle :D

Thank you for your well chosen words and positive outlook Taraz. Looking forward to reading more from you. I just joined Steemit today btw and this is the first post I read! Namaste


I hope you like it here!

Indeed i do. I'm very pleased to find this platform, and socks knoked off to discover the posts by John Huckel @matrix-8 describing the upcoming, world-changing, Multi Level Governance Matrix-8 system to be buit on this platform. It was exactly why i joined Steemit, to use this platform to create a system to change the (apparent) world. Have you read about matrix-8?
Check out this post if not:

I haven't read about it, but I will. Thanks for the heads up!

This is a whine about whining.

It is a reflection on whining.

Hopefully Steemit Suicides dont increase this spring.

There have been one or two in the history of Steem, but mostly it is of the social kind.

Man, this your post here mirrors my feelings. I was doing my usual Steem shiing on other networks and encountered one of these "say the truth" type individuals and I swear the conversation really frustrated me.
This is a link to the post on Publish0x. Scroll down to my conversation with sugarfix.

Will have a look in the morning, it has been a long day :)

Alright bro. I'm on the shitter right now. I'll be heading to bed once I'm done...

I'm done 😂

You always have the right words to explain everything. I did encounter some people that is already giving up in steem after putting their investment inside this platform. I guess before any action taken, we should consider the risk and prepare ourself for the worst. For me, I do wnated too earn from this platform but if I didn't manage too, I'm still enjoying myself writing amd reading though I'm not that consistent 😅. Thank you for sharing.

The real earning potential of the platform isn't on a 7 day payout cycle, it is a longer term investment and that requires investing long-term and is aided by acting toward a future where that investment is valuable. One of the cool things on steem is that an investor has some influence over that future.

I am also using this platform as my long term investment plan with hope that in the future, it will somehow payback.

Just have fun, if it gives a financial return great, if not, you had fun :)

Yes, I will. I'm already having fun. You too. I'm glad you're still writing.

Most feedback both positive and negative is just feedback.

It all depends on your perspective how you view it.

It's like... Complaining about complaining is still complaining.

Most feedback both positive and negative is just feedback.

It is feedback, so there is a catalyst behind it and likely an intention for it being sent. How it is interpreted is up to the receiver however.

Agree, as I said... It all depends on your perspective how you view it.

I think we are losing the ability to be able to process adequate reactions too, it seems either on or off these days.

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I think if most people had startup experience and saw all of the nonsense, risk and failure that goes into the making a successful business

Wait what don't you just start off in a garage and suddenly overnight you're a success? XD

I think that is how all the great bands and startups did it - there was no pre-task at all.

I think that's what we're doing wrong. I don't know about you but I didn't have a garage to start in and we're working too hard.

We had several garages, but I didn't spend enough time in them.

A misspent childhood.

Those Scandinavians need more Vitamin D to help with their Depression !

Definitely. It depresses me also - or that could just be all the depressed people around me ;D

I'm new to Steemit so I haven't seen that many negative posts and comments on the platform. I, however, enjoyed reading your post. Insightful. You gained a new follower @tarazkp.

thanks and welcome aboard. I am sure you will come across it, just do what you do and have fun alng the way - there is plenty of great stuff here too :)

Congratulations @tarazkp!
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Openly critiquing a system makes it stronger,

Thanks for the post.