Dog walk diaries: thoughts on triggers

in #thoughts6 years ago (edited)

When it comes to content I enjoy reading I find that almost every time it is the personal view of a topic that I find the most value. The perspective that gives a glimpse into how a person understands and visualizes an area. I think that the reason this has value is it is a view that can't be gained completely from an external source.


Yes, it is possible to echo the thoughts of others but even if it is reworded, some personality seeps through. Personality is important for building relationships and if paying attention, a fake is easy to spot within a few articles because it is hard for most people to maintain a false character across topics.

But, finding fakes isn't what is interesting or valuable. The value comes from the alternate perspective, a new position to stand in and see the world from. This in turn can inspire new thoughts and ideas which when expressed adds more into the discussion pool.

I find it interesting when people say they don't really have anything to write about or, they don't have a view on this or that topic because it means that they haven't really spent any time thinking. I have a pretty strong feeling that the reason people don't think much is because there is an increase in the consumption of thoughtless content.

What I mean by this is content that is complete without having to do any work to close gaps as it is all laid out in front of the consumer. This has been increasing in prevalence the last three decades a lot and I think it is impacting on our cognitive abilities to adequately process and consider information that isn't explicitly provided. This puts more weight on what is said.

This combined with a lack of emotional control makes people hyper- sensitive to words and ideas that they react to before even considering the intentions (implicit information) behind what is said. Essentially, people are often easily triggered because they are unable to process the information they receive well and react so strongly because they do not have the emotional strength to suppress action before their animal instincts kick in.

It makes discussion with these types difficult because it is a minefield of potential triggers that make people feel victimized by words that were never intended to harm.

It isn't a good environment for freedom of speech.

[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)


I think that people are also too busy and don't have time for proper deeper thinking and I see this in myself. When there is too much work on my plate, I stop thinking anything really and just focus giving my full attention to the matter. And then you feel so exhausted that you don't want to even think what to eat for lunch.

So in a way having time for deeper thinking and thought processing is a luxury that not all people have or don't know how to tab into that mode.

Also, thinking was not really valued at school when I was there. Just do as you are told and you will be fine.

But yeah, you got me thinking over here :D

I give it a priority.
Feeling it. Processing. Move on!
To create one's freedom is to work it out ..maybe..

Well, I work as a virtual assistant and many times my clients are transferring to me things that they do not want to think about (= travel arrangements, expense receipts, meeting arrangements, invoicing, paying bills, excel work, customer service etc.) So I'm giving out a huge amount of my thinking capacity and honestly, I feel lots of time dumb as my mind is just tired and I can't process thoughts. So I can relate to people who are tired because of work or family and work combination.

Ever thought that the business and draw on attention from so many sides is engineered so you don't have to learn to think? Combine it with schools that have aleays pushed authority over independence and it is a recipe for being controlled.

My opinion is that people should consume slower and more nutritious information and make sure they take the time to chew.

You've got to stop doing this! It feels like every time I ponder these sorts of things, you go and write something about it!! XD

This combined with a lack of emotional control makes people hyper- sensitive to words and ideas that they react to before even considering the intentions (implicit information) behind what is said. Essentially, people are often easily triggered because they are unable to process the information they receive well and react so strongly because they do not have the emotional strength to suppress action before their animal instincts kick in.

We have indeed become an immediate reaction type of culture, leaving no time to pause and assess things before running in fully cocked. Which is ironic, really, because social media allows for us to take our time in many ways.

I recently got chewed out by a vegan (I was actually on her side) because I was talking about the original content posted, she assumed I was talking about the content she'd added in the comments and someone had called her out on that content for spreading rubbish. She tagged her reply to me, going off about not spreading rubbish, confusing the heck out of me until I read the other comment that must have sparked her off. I explained myself and pointed out that I had said nothing about her spreading rubbish, but she hasn't even had the grace to apologise for her confusion.

It was a classic case of emotional reaction and certainly doesn't serve her cause. She ended up lashing out at her ally with her enemy and is effectively isolating herself. Her daughter had apparently experienced bullying in school for being a "passionate" vegan and if she acts anything like mum just did I can kind of see why (not that bullying is acceptable for any reason).

There are no allies. People are too emotionally charged to consider the future far enough to recognise alliances. They have their isolated position they protect and whenever they feel attacked, they lash out, isolating them more from others. They might find an echo chamber community on one aspect and then destroy the same community on another.

Constant conflict and amplified internet rage.

I knew a man Who had difficulty thinking unless he was speaking to a captive audience. He purchased a printable ‘white-board’ to copy his ‘lectures’ for memorial documentation. He was unable to be alone with his thoughts.

Alone is something people avoid for that very reason. Facing the mirror is rarely a comfortable experience.

I remember those pathways...


Talk Sunday

Yep, for sure.

Hi taraz. I also find it funny when people say they haven't got anything to write about. I did a few articled the other day about the Chinese etc. The last article I wrote on my own thoughts as I had an interest and had been thinking about it . Ones perspective opens up other thought patterns and that is enjoyable to me.

It is a path of discovery and is a lot of fun to travel I think.

What use is the privilege of "free" speech, when men have little to no capacity for critical thinking? What Kierkegaard observed one hundred years prior continues today, and I suspect has always been the reality of the human race. There are those who think, and there are those who follow. Capacity to think is a rare trait in the human species, and those who can harness their thoughts govern those who require others to think for them.

Speech is aleays free, it is just not without consequence. Capacity to think is retarded by the consumption of other's thoughts. People spend so much time consuming the developed ideas of others tbey no longer have a pipeline of their own. Many live the thoughts of their betters without ever reaching a conclusion themselves.