I was thinking of various opportunities I have passed up over my life, and while I hold no major regrets, it would be interesting to be able to see the different life trajectories if a different choice was made.
I know that there are many possibilities that if taken would have fundamentally changed my life. What if I stayed in Australia, what if I bought that 200 odd bitcoin, what if I studied psychology instead of business, what if I hadn't decided to split from her, what if I had chosen to have surgery instead of go it alone... You know the type of things.
I wonder if In the years to come I will be asking, what if I chose not to put effort into Steem, what if I chose to sell in January 2018, what if I decided to give up. Years from now would these thoughts be regrets or would I be thankful for believing enough and sticking it out?
It is impossible to know what the future holds with any certainty, it is all based on assumptions and predictions that are coloured by our own past experience. Humans are very bad at estimating how something in the future is going to make them feel and when it comes with a high level of uncertainty, the predictions are even worse.
What would 100 dollar Steem feel like to me? How would having an account worth 3.6 million dollars affect my thinking? Would I be any different if instead of 70 cents, each of my votes was worth 280 dollars? That would make a 5 cent vote now worth about 20 dollars each, 200 a day. Would you be affected?
Money is quite meaningless to me other than as the tool it is to do things with. A tool of opportunity that can provide access to many different skills and experiences. At 100 dollar Steem, the curation value at 25% would be worth about 350,000 dollars per year. That is insane and something I cannot predict a feeling for.
I know, 100 dollar Steem is a long way off but I wonder if in 10 years from now it was achieved, how many people will be living completely changed lives and how many will be pretty much where they were 10 years earlier in 2019?
It is hard to predict how that would feel too I think but I imagine there would be quite a few people questioning and asking, what if?
What is great about Steem is that it can be earned by doing stuff we might like to do or be doing anyway. It is still open to market forces of supply and demand but, pretty much everyone has a chance to supply something that there is a demand for if they put their mind to it and get a little creative. Proof of brain.
I wonder how many opportunities we can miss before we recognize that our decision making process may not have our best interest at heart. Perhaps that is part of the trouble, letting the heart decide. The heart wants what the heart wants and it chooses what it likes, not what will get us where we want to be.
Not many hearts choose uncertainty and working extremes, but out does take heart to have the strength to face discomfort, pressure and adversity.
What would being weak of heart feel like? Do you know?
[ a Steem original ]
(posted from phone)
The price of Steem will only impact me and the way I engage when it starts to have the possibility of replacing completely my professional income. Given that it will take some time for that to happen, I don’t even think about it much. Instead, I will do my best to earn and buy more in the meantime!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Wouldn't that be awesome? Still could work professionally if wanted and pick and choose at what projects and how much :)
A weak heart isn't the one without fear but probably is the one which gives in to fear, uncertainty and doubt.
So if my fear tells me that my investment isn't wise, I know in my heart I did the right choice to invest.
If my fear tells me that it's safer not to gamble with investment for the future, I also know that I should do the opposite.
The challenge is recognizing when my fear is talking and when my generosity is talking.
So many distractions to make us feel that we aren't giving into the fear of trying.
The challenge is recognizing when my fear is talking and when my generosity is talking.
This is an interesting thought to think about, thanks :)
I know people may laugh at the thought of $100 Steem. I don't as in my mind it is certainly doable.That would be life changing for a few that stuck it out.No one knows where this is all going and there are different scenarios that could play out.Just have no regrets and give it your best shot.
100 dollar steem needs about a 3 billion market cap if my mental math serves. That isn't very much considering.
It isn't that much considering what this place offers.
The what ifs... Steem may very well be worth $100.00 one day. Exciting. But what if a $100.00 only buys you a mere loaf of bread as Germany had to face generations ago? For now we see the beauty of developing relationships with others and enjoy the journey of the dream. Value comes in many forms and is often priceless. Thanks @tarazkp
Yep, but when Steem is worth 100, it also means that steem can be used to buy and if there is that kind of inflation in fiat, Steem is much more valuable. Interesting times to come over the next decade or two.
I have zero Steem expertise, yet I can also look back at the possibilities if I hadn't had the courage to: (a) depart Wall St in 2006 to launch a philanthropic business venture, or (b) stayed in my one marriage rather than departing in 1999.I really enjoyed reading your post, @tarazkp. Many thoughts rambling & rumbling at moment.
Reminds me also of a VERY interesting concept presented in the 1998 film "Sliding Doors."
How does one's life change, in large or small ways, when random events change the flow of one's day? For example, missing the train...what if I made that train? How would my day be different? If I made that train, would my life be forever changed?
Thanks for your thoughts herein. I'm glad to be on Steem and glad to be following you.
Peace and smiles
Welcome into Steem and get ready for some interesting conversations on this blockchain and in the world at large tom come. There are so many things coming to a head that the public discourse and therefore interest in things like Steem are going to snowball.
On this snowy day in Philly, your words to the Universe's ears.
Memo to tarazkp to be opened in10 years...hello my old friend...lol
Too many!
We might not be who we are if we had done differently but, that doesn't make it a bad thing either :D
Very true.
We are the sum of our experiences.