I'm kinda proud of you

in #thoughts4 years ago

"I'm kinda proud of you"

My wife said this to me a couple nights ago in regards to me sticking wit Hive for over four years. While she doesn't read most of my posts, if any, of late, it is her who has the most visibility on what I have put into this. She also knows first-hand why I started in the first place and why I have put so much effort in. "Whys" are important and I think that for me, family has become the biggest reason to do anything that requires a great deal of work and by extension, this connects my work to many others.

Community is built around family and the family is built around individuals who opt-in to be part of that unit. Blood means very little in the grand scheme of things, even though we tend to have a cultural narrative that says, blood is thicker than water. However, it is of course natural to spend more time and energy on one's own family, than that of another, but I think that the energy spent ends up creating future bonds, new families.

fog and family.jpg

Back in the day, people used to ask children, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" and they would answer things like, nurse, doctor, vet, pilot, firefighter, teacher... I don't know what child would answer these days, an Instagram model?

I often think about what kind of world my daughter is going to grow up in and there is a lot of blur, as so much of the traditional work of the past is changing, with some of it going to disappear altogether. I do not expect that there will be many professional driving jobs twenty years from now, and I think that a lot of the traditional office jobs will disappear too, as AI manages more and more tasks with increasingly greater efficiency than any human can ever manage, let alone the average human.

I figure that the only way to prepare for the future is to try and make sure there is access to opportunity and while increasing opportunity for people in the future should be part of a community's model, I do not think it is wise to rely on it, as mostly, we proxy the responsibility to governments and corporations, that work in their best interest, not that of the community. I think this is why I am so keen to be a part of building a new framework for society, underpinned by a working economy that values community work, as well as that of individuals.

Rather outsourcing the future to others, I think more opportunity is created through developing and participating in community work that enables the creation of more opportunity. While there are inefficiencies, there is potential for value to be captured in those areas, by people who may just love working in those areas. Like most parents, I want my child to have a quality life where she is content and I think part of this is ensuring she has something to do, something that she finds meaningful - I don't know what that will be, it is too early to tell - but when the time comes, that is up to her.

While I know a lot of people are happily making the decision to not have children and for them that might work, I do think that having children can work as a connector to our community, one that traverses generations. I think that someone with children is more likely to take an interest in the future and the direction the world is taking, even if they do not help it improve. And, if we think that the future family health is correlated to the health of the family today, healthy children with healthy psychology will more likely gravitate toward similar to themselves, meaning that there is an evolutionary progression.

In the past, the strongest survived and this was largely based on physical condition, as much of the tasks done were physical and didn't require the same level of cognitive complexity as today. I think that in some way, we will regress toward that as practical skill that AI can't accomplish becomes more popular, but this will also require a high degree of understanding for planning and implementation. What it means to be "strong" has been evolving as we evolve and what is valuable at a given time is dependent on transitory conditions.

Sometimes, a person's skills can align with the times to be considered highly valuable and a decade later, redundant. This means that the skill to be able to flex with the conditions, identify the changing landscape, relearn and retrain skills, add new skills, having resiliency to support the need for change and the emotional demeanor to be able to take responsibility for personal development is part of what is required to be strong. But, in order to be able to use strength, there needs to be the space to flex, and part of this is the opportunity to utilize skills. If there is no reason to act, why act?

Coming to terms what our life means is part of maturing, but it doesn't mean that everyone is going to create a meaning that is helpful to the community or even themselves. A lot of us find meaning in the harmful and irrelevant, even though it feeds us a why condition.

For me personally, I couldn't have done most of the work I have done on Hive without the support of my wife, who gave me the space to act, the opportunity of time to apply to it. If she was a different person, I would be subjected to a different set of conditions, which might not have been conducive to having the time and space. And I think that this is what is important about family, as without it, we might not work in each other's best interests and as a result, limit our capabilities. In the case of children, this gets projected across generations.

Like it or not, our future opportunities are tied to our current actions and if we aren't working toward increasing our capabilities and that of the people around us, we will limit ourselves more and more, until we are completely isolated and incapable to make space. Conditions will change to the point where we are unable to move at all. Strength isn't only the ability to stand ground, it is also knowing when to move.

The future is not set in stone.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I am glad that you realize that it is all about the children my friend.
Bob Dylan sang; "The times they are a changing" and every parent should consider sowing the seeds of adaptabilty in their children. I feel that smallsteps will cope, but how many children are there in the communities that have no leadership, no education and even worse, no parents.
This is where crypto can play a very important role, not by throwing fiat at the problem and hope that it will go away.
But rather to invest in education, skills training and pre-school empowerment in the communities.
We have teenagers that connot read a and write, so what chance do they have in the future?

Start at the root of the problem istead of putting a plaster of fiat on the sores.
Just my own thoughts here.

I feel that smallsteps will cope, but how many children are there in the communities that have no leadership, no education and even worse, no parents.

This is the problem with not extending the focus of family and connecting it to community. Not every child will have the same conditions, but we should at least be able to improve the conditions of every child.

We have teenagers that connot read a and write, so what chance do they have in the future?

Yep. We also have teenagers that can read and write, but think they don't have to.

Start at the root of the problem istead of putting a plaster of fiat on the sores.

Yep - keep heading further and further upstream. This takes understanding where the river leads.

The family concept is under attack my friend, as the easy ways to divorce has slaughtered many families. In my day single parent families were frowned upon and the kids were treated as lepers.
Nowadays single parent families have become popular resulting in a higher rate of insecure and poor children. A single mother struggle to support one child, but many have four or more children.

Hahaha, and those that can read turn up here on our posts and they don't read them.

Exactly and the evidence is in the fact that the early explorers always searched for the source of a stream. Find the source and then the plan will reveal itself.


Thank you kindly for the tokens @tarazkp

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Always great to read your musings.

Glad you stopped by

Nice to read this post. I used to be all-against it in my youth, but family values have now become more and more important to me over last years and I appreciate them as I have never did in my life. It saddens me to see how many people all around me have grown or are growing up without these values and have as a result thrown them all away. Moreover, the culture nowadays seems to confirm such attitudes, as breaking people from all their communities tend do drive them into a consumerist lifestyle (from my observations).

Anyway, it's great to read about your family life. You for sure have a great and loving wife and I am happy for your daughter to be able to grow up in a loving family. Keep these up! :)

Moreover, the culture nowadays seems to confirm such attitudes, as breaking people from all their communities tend do drive them into a consumerist lifestyle (from my observations).

From my observations too. There is the old "divide and conquer" saying and it is how I see it happening. Social connections are being eroded and even while depression increases, the prescription given is to buy more.

I am lucky with my family, but I guess luck also has to be prepared for :)

Have a great afternoon.


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This is a very nice read. I like the emphasis on acting in the best interest for a better future! When i read here, i always remember where my tribe is, even though i've not been posting for the longest time. It's interesting that i'd rather read this, an objective article by a scientist, a poem or someone who shares his or her thoughts in prudence. I don't think that our children will grow up in a world where life will be physically harder, but i hope they will be able to make a choice whether they'd like to be in nature or on their devices. Specially if the device is a chip in their brain?

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I don't think that our children will grow up in a world where life will be physically harder, but i hope they will be able to make a choice whether they'd like to be in nature or on their devices. Specially if the device is a chip in their brain?

I worry about this too. At what point will it be forced, where unless you have a chip, you can't function fully in society? I would love a return to more basics, where technology is integrated to give us more access to nature.

You just made me realise how much I missed this community here buddy!


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I got this inspiration of carrying my people along and not just doing give all alone, after all my contents can motivate them to also write. Thanks for this piece

It more fun to go together, even if it means doing different things in the same direction :)

Well said! I now have grandchildren to be concerned about as well. We need to prepare them to be adaptable, since the only thing we know for sure about the future is that it will not be exactly the same as now.

since the only thing we know for sure about the future is that it will not be exactly the same as now.

I really hope the change is for the better :)

Your consistency is scary! I should know because I've been here for quite sometime myself. Am super proud of you btw, and let's hope we do actualize some of those crypto dreams

Not sure if scary is a good thing in this case :D

A few crypto dreams actualized would be nice though.

"what do you want to be when you grow up?"

I think this has changed throughout history, as times change , jobs change opportunities change. Some thrive on change, some see it coming before others, and some end up having to be slapped in the ass to get them moving.

It would be interesting to know what kids would have said 100, 500 and 2000 years ago.

It would be fun listening into an ancient conversation.
I would bet chariot racer would be one answer. It seems some kids, regardless of time, like to go fast.

The glamor jobs - chariot racer, knight, princess

Think people must be realising this (the future not being set in stone) now, I'm not getting quite as hard a time for not forcing my kids into doing things they have less than zero interest in because it's of disproportionate importance to someone else XD


This post shows how important it is to have a supportive partner who can understand your dream, your vision. Beautiful!

It is getting very competitive and limited for all them office workers if your not up with the technology of computers they will be at a lost in seeking highly paid jobs but i think for the nurse, doctor, vet, pilot, firefighter , mechanics , electricians these hands on jobs will always be available for those who don't like computer work at home.