
Weird, however, like you, I'd rather have a vehicle with infinite MPG.
Looking for more of a miles per kilowatt hour situation.

Electric is the future, and as time goes on gas can only get more expensive and power can only get cheaper (hopefully). I think Bitcoin will actually have a lot to do with that. As it allows power to be consumed at the source, allowing more innovative energy startups to arise that have a fallback when they don't have any buyers. The Bitcoin network offers a fair price for all power consumption globally and without reservation.

I think Bitcoin will play a part, but blockchain in general as self-driving cars increase in popularity and micropay rental becomes commonplace across multiple areas. Screw Uber when there are driverless cars available all over the place that do not need a central hub to organize them.

If I had the money I'd def buy a driverless car and add it to some bad ass decentralized passive income network.

That 's my plan. Imagine the savings on the environment considering most people will not need a car they can have pretty much all of them on call anytime. Apartment buildings, shopping centers won't need massive carparks, the congestion of large event won't happen as cars will order themselves to stagger arrival, traffic lights and signs aren't needed, roads can be built about 30% narrower as the sensors and AI will outperform all other drivers (in time)... technology should work to improve life.