What glamour! Cheap red wine drunk out of a disposable plastic bathroom cup in a hotel room fit for a CSI cold case investigation. It could be worse I suppose. My wife could be with me and I would have to listen to her complain about it as well. Although I wouldn't mind having her here with me regardless. Once upon a time, those are her legs in the picture and several years later, they are still pretty much the same.
Can't say the same for what else was on the beach that day.
I should have another macaron and sip of wine. Obviously I am trying to fancy this hotel up a bit - and failing.
I don't mind getting older and a bit looser, but what annoys me is that I don't actually have to be in the shape I am, which isn't bad, just not good either. I have found some kind of rhythm for work and family life, it just hasn't been able to squeeze in adequate exercise and the travel is definitely not great for the diet as it is an "eat while you can" process much of the time, and there isn't always a good set of options available.
My next business trip is already scheduled in less than 2 weeks from now for a customer who I have visited earlier on my very first trip which what seems like an eternity ago. At least they are booking the hotel and the hotel they use is fantastic. Again I will be there with colleagues, but I am doing a fly-by training and will only stay one night. All up, I will be gone something like 40 hours.
These photos are from a trip my wife and I took about 6 years ago to Tenerife in the Canary Islands. My wife had wanted a warm holiday away and flights were cheap and she got a great deal on a hotel. She was bragging about the deal to me for many weeks and how it was going to be a great place to relax as it was for adults only, no children.
When we arrived at the hotel, we didn't see any children and the residents were certainly adults. Let's just say that none of them had been asked for proof of age since the 1950s. The hotel was hyper lame in so many ways, but we did have a calm week away in the sun and warmth and spent quality time doing very little of anything, as Puerto De La Cruz must be one of the most boring towns in the world.
But the tickets were cheap.
These days I would love a little holiday away like that where we can spend time doing not much of much and chilling out. On that holiday, we went to the gym every day for 45 minutes and motivation was not an issue at all. I think that is the biggest issue with me at the moment when it comes to exercising, I don't have the physical motivation, even though my head is saying that it wouldn't mind a bit of exercise.
I think if Steem moons enough and I can get some financial grounding, I will cut back on some of my work and take some time to get into shape again. Sure, I am never going to be in the best shape a life could be in as it is far too late for that, but I can definitely feel better with my condition.
Of course, Steem doesn't have to moon to put an hour a side a few times a week, but it would definitely help with the motivation.
Well, while I have barely touched the wine (the macarons are gone), I have a fair bit of work to prep for the last day of training tomorrow as they changed on what they wanted to do - which is what I had planned for. Now I have to create a new set of presentations and actually do some study to get up to speed on one component that I haven't looked into for about 6 months.
Tomorrow I will get back to Amsterdam for a night and hopefully catch up with a Steem friend, which I am really looking forward to.
Don't worry, there will be no shirtless pictures :D
[ a Steem original ]

Hmm, we considered Puerto De La Cruz this very summer since it had the cheapest hotels on Tenerife. But...indeed, it looked a bit dull. So we went to a hard to get to place a little west of there and we had rocks for the scarecrows'roles where my wife would have liked a beach. We had a car rented, though, so a week was far from enough for us. But I remember having plans about sport and fitness once on the island. Lol to that.
I used to jog quite regularly a couple of years back. Time gets shorter, though. Or it's just that somebody has to unclutter his own mind. Then body.
I quite enjoyed the black, volcanic sand of Puerto De La Cruz, but it was very boring as far as sight seeing went. We did go up the mountain, but my wife got travel sick on the bus so we didn't make it very far and ended up spending the time in a little town there. It was nice.
I think this is the issue.
We never entered Puerto De La Cruz but a town above it called La Orotava caused me some proverbial headaches all three times I had to drive through it.
I can't remember the name of the town we visited, but it was pretty and there was some market place festival going on too.
6 years ago I looked like a greek god, now I look like budha. Bloody parenthood :O)
You're still God-like Boom...We worship you.
Hurrah!!! :0D
Parenthood has a big part to play in the destruction of the human form.
Yes indeed
I remember being in the best shape I ever was once...Ah, what a good day that was. 🤣
Seriously, when I was playing American football I was in pretty good shape for 10 years...Sure, maybe not walk on the beach topless in Tenerife shape...But we can't all be that way can we?
It took effort though. Trained with the team twice a week, the gym 4 times a week and played once a week...that's a lot of effort when holding down a job. Life was simpler for me back then though so it worked.
Motivation is the most difficult part sometimes. I mean, I did it so I didn't get smashed to smithereens on the field, but now...It's not as easy to find that motivation.
Anyway, hope you don't end up with some toxic disease from that hotel, one that you spread around the world and cause a 75% population drop...Or do I?
It would be easier if I had a reason like a sport to focus on, not that I have time for that either.
Would probably be a pretty good idea to have a few less people around. Quite a few have probably already died right in this room.
Haha, well better call CSI Miami...Or is it New York...Or Albuquerque? So many bloody CSI's on TV these days...Hard to know.
I don't watch TV because the only thing on is CSI
Haha! Sounds funny...But not far from the truth. We never watch free to air so we don't see it.
Me either, only on demand. TV is the devil.
Not?! :-(
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Hope you are doin ok Taraz, and glad to read your article here. And it's great because you mentioned about your wife and happy as well for both of the you, I wish to know her too, and good luck for both of you... It's wonderful for couples to go on a great vacation and I wish you and your wife celebrate love together Taraz. They can order wine together and talk about ups and downs in life and make sure to stay committed with each others. I want ours to be like that too.
Yes, spending time together is important. Good luck.
Neither of you look like you were particularly dressed for the beach at the time XD
I think most people would benefit from less work.
Hope everything went well and you got/get to meet up with steem friend :D
I was wearing boardies and just got out of the water :)
We have a meetup point at least, I just have to get there in a reasonable time