
"so what's with all these tons of cams and monitors when they don't alert their fellow security about such things"

"that they hire more cam watchers that will alert fellow security on the ground or fire the ones failing hard at their job."

Was it really that hard for you to read and understand what was obvious? The knee slapping was also pointless.

You--> "Nope, not only are there hundreds of cameras in the ailes with accompanied monitors showing exactly what they see, but the reason they check receipts is because of"

You been trying to defend walmart through out this whole thing and now trying to back off of that? Now thats a knee slapper! lol

Then I showed a video where people can just walk out with a cart full of merchandise basically proving my point that their cam security doesnt look that great. But to remind since you might have missed it
"Not saying all Walmarts are the same but some appear to be severely lacking"

You have a good one and seriously if you do drop them some suggestions it may just come in handy especially if you can get them to drop the price of those bottle pops down to 50 cents. :)