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RE: Should Zionists support a white ethno state? (Mark Collett debate) - full video

in #threespeak5 years ago

Great debate. Mark is terrible. He identifies EREV RAV Jews as the rulers of the world. He see's with his eyes frontmen/women who promote every other cause except Jewish causes and calls them 'Jews". Then he defends children or people who throw ROCKS. He has obviously never seen what a rock can do to a persons head or even a WINDSHIELD. Terrible human being. Imagine minding your own business and British thugs start throwing rocks at your vehicle. You would be fine with it right?

What REALLY makes a JEW? Adherence to Torah values. Why is this so hard to say? Real Jews need to step up and honestly say Leftist/Secular ideology is may not actually be Jewish ideology.


When so few Jews seem to know what makes us Jews, it's no wonder non Jews are confused. And most mislead of all are those who think Ha'aretz is a good source of anything except fish wrapping.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I told d would rather the slavery LOL

Mark clearly said he doesnt encompass absolutes yet here you are mischaracterising statements.

Posted using Partiko Android

Wow you go to the children throwing rocks? Nothing about the thousands used for testing munitions? I wonder how far a rock can be thrown through a billion dollar fence paid by dumb muricans?

Posted using Partiko Android

You are as usual miss-informed. If I am driving through Judea and or Sumeria (West Bank) you can have rocks thrown from the local savages. That's why FENCES are used. Come to my neighborhood and let me throw some rocks at you. It's not so bad as you seem to say.