Floating, Fishing & Relaxing: 9 Mile Arkansas River Float in Colorado.

in #threespeak6 years ago (edited)

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Took my first raft trip on my new fishing pontoon boat. The distance was about 9 miles from the Pueblo Lake Dam all the way to the Pueblo Nature Center. Super nice day and a great time, I'll definitely be making this trip again. Colorado has so much to offer and great water all over the state.

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That looks awesome!

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beauty ! fresh air.. great scenary. what else to ask for. you have license to sail a boat? cool!!

Must really be a great time

What a nice place to spend his freetime.

Great video. Looks like a great time on the water. I like the choice of song to accompany the video Haha. That's awesome. It's like a rap video but instead of a fancy car you're riding a fancy custom boat hahaha

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It is observed that you enjoy it!

Buenas aqui mi visita,muy linda imagen y asi sera su escrito,feliz noche,saludos desde venezuela y espero me visite y me de su sporte ya que necesito para solventar esta situacion de hambre que estamos viviendo,Dios lo bendiga

Such a surreal experience to have enjoyed that time

Oh, what can possibly be more relaxing than floating down a lazy river, Just the fishing pole, thrown in and wandering looking for a gait hungry fish. And the kayak? My type of paddling and gliding.

Oh, yes! Life is good.


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