Making Spicy Pickles W/Broncnutz

in #threespeak6 years ago (edited)

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Today I decided to try my first attempt at making some spicy pickles with some small cucumbers I scooped up out at the farm. I have never done this before so I'm definitely not a pro....if you have any suggestions for next time, please leave me some instructions in the comments section! The assortment of peppers i got are fire so this batch should be pretty spicy.

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Hi @brontnuzt, I'm happy to be able to see your video on how to make spicy cucumber pickles. I think you will keep it for a long time because you keep it in many bottles. Looks like I have to follow your way to make the pickle. Enjoy your day, sir.

You say Cucumber and You say Pickles, aren't these things contradictory to each other. I know you mentioned the hot pepper to help you make it nuclear hot like chernobyl shit, but still it seems contradictory. I would want to see, how your pickle turn out to be, I will try your recipe.

Tasty Pickles I am sure no matter how you make them @broncnutz

Hmmm i can imagine how it would taste with some spicey ingredient...nice mixture and combination @broncnutz

You're definitely not a pro lol but it's an amazing attempt, in this side of the world we're not used to cucumber and spicy pickles really. But you've been one to like the special delicacies. Amazing thing there with The improvisation

I thought you tried your first attempt at some magic setting your teeth on fire!

Broncnutz at its best again in everything :D

I like spicy pickle, But it should not be too spicy which cannot be eaten.