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RE: USA Soccer Megan Rapinoe is a DISGRACEFUL American!

in #threespeak6 years ago

LOL England are traditional chokers though, we see it in Cricket and Rugby too! I shouldn't talk though because South African sport is well deep in the shitter really. I don't get why sports stars try to be political figures, you get paid by the nation, in the nation's currency, you live and train in that nation, you represent the nation so why you gotta throw salt? Focus on your job, which is winning games don't worry what Trump and the rest are doing!

If you want to debate policy become an activist or politician!


She still thinks he's racist and hates gay people. laughable. brainwashed

Canadian here. Not exactly a Trump fan, but I know lot of the nonsense that comes from the CNN and MSNBC crowd is full blown propaganda. Most of the accusations of homophobia and racism on Trump and anyone in his administration are laughable!

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